21) Sungchan | Boyfriend

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The bus is so crowded, as what to be
expected in the morning. Sungchan tripped a little bit when the bus starts to move, and something unbelievable catches his eyes.

A man is grabbing a girl's bottom through her skirt, making the girl turns around immediately.

"Hey, you pervert!" She scolds the man in his forties and everyone's eyes are focusing on them. They start to whisper about him and give a nasty look at him.

"Hey, you are accusing me. I did nothing to you," he denies with a made-up innocent face.

The girl in high school uniform clenches her teeth in madness looking at how the old man trying to act innocent. "You slid your dirty hand through my skirt and you dare to say you DID NOTHING to me?!"

The situation becomes louder as everyone starts to blame and scold the man.

"Is there anyone who saw me did that thing to this girl? Is there anyone?!" He shouts back to the passengers and makes everyone shuts their tongue as none of them witnessed the incident.

"Then she just put a false accusation on me."

The girl clenches her fist. Just why on earth no one witnessed it? It's a shame if someone saw it but at least she has a backup.

Sungchan who is standing at the back tries to do nothing and act like he didn't see anything as that sexual harassment has nothing to do with him but he just can't leave it just like that. The fact that they know each other makes it worse for him for not helping her. Even though they never had any conversation, but she is still his classmate. "I-I saw it... I saw everything." He raises his hand in the crowd and his statement makes everyone look at both of him and the man.

The man looks anxious with Sungchan's statement. He's trying to find an excuse but as the bus stops, he dashes to the door. He even pushes away the passengers who are blocking his way making them scream in shock. Some of them try to catch and stop him but he's too fast and at last, he escapes from the bus.


She comes to the photoshoot set with a dress that is only covering half of her torso and its skirt that barely cover her bottom parts. But she gets a scold from the manager right away.

"Yaa, Kim Minjeong! I told you to wear the most exposing outfit! And look what the heck you are wearing!"

"Th-This is the most exposing..." She is trembling a little bit. She worked here as a part-time teen model for almost half a year and this is her first time getting a scold from the manager like this.

"Then don't you call this an outfit?!" He grabs a bikini set from the wardrobe and throws it to her.

She closes her eyes and covers her face with her hands as she knows when the hanger and bikini hit her face, it will give her great pain.

But nothing hits her.

Instead, the bikini lands on a tall guy's shoulder and stays there. Minjeong is saved by a tall figure that appears in front of her at the very right time.

Sungchan looks at the two pieces on his shoulder with a nasty look and pushes them away with his fingertip. He just uses one of his fingers as those are too disgusting. "No, it's not an outfit. It's trash," he said, his eyes are glaring at the manager.

"W-What?!" The manager seems quite shocked to hear that.

"This girl signed a contract to be a teen model and you forced a high school girl to wear a bikini and make it the cover of the magazine?"

"Just shut up and go back to your editing works!" The manager points out to the editor office in anger.

"No, we are heading this way instead. And won't ever come here again." With that, he holds her hand and brings her to follow him to the exit.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2021 ⏰

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