06) Doyoung | Decent

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"Yacks! I hate this kind of smell, this kind of place, this kind of people, this kind of situation. I just hate everything here!" He was brought by his officemate and he already feels dizzy for just being here for nearly five minutes.

The colourful lights that blink from every corner of the room are dazzling his eyes. "Argh, how they are being able to stay here for hours?! There's not even a single space to breathe!" He just wants to get out of this club. Doyoung already made his steps heading to the exit when someone grabs his hand and makes him whirl 180 degrees to see a girl with wavy hair is standing in front of him.

"Hey, you!"

"Wh-Who? Me?" He turns to look if that girl is mistakenly grabbing his hand for someone else's but it doesn't seem like that.

"Yes, you. Mind to dance with me?" She shows him her beautiful smile.

He can't deny that her smile and her exposed dress tempted him but Doyoung isn't the type to fall in love very easily. He has his standard. "I'm sorry but I need to-"

The girl put her hands on both of his shoulders and comes closer to him without him being able to end his words. Her sparkling eyes look straight into his.

Her sudden action froze him on his feet. Doyoung is stunned with her close-up beauty and also by her fragrance that pushes away the disgusting smell of alcohol.

He's just following the music. He's not too bad at dancing though. He felt quite awry to hold her slim waist at first but in the middle of their dance, he already gets used to it. Instead, Doyoung somehow feels like he owns her. Not to mention how she makes him drown into his feeling by giving him a deep and beautiful look.

His bliss patches out when someone pulls his blazer's collar, making his body flies to the back.

"What are you doing with her? You rascal!" Without any clue, a punch reaches his cheek. His lips' corner is bleeding from the punch.

The girl rushes towards the man that appears out of sudden and grabs his hand. "He's not doing anything wrong! Don't blame him!" She shouts to the man but he pulls out his hands from her hold angrily.

Doyoung is dumbfounded. He loses his words. What did he do so wrong that he deserves a punch? "Yaa..." He is about to defend his innocent self when the girl glares at the man in anger and forces him to follow her to the exit.

Doyoung kicks the chair near to him to lets out his anger. "What a bad day!"


Doyoung walks down the stairs while keep on thinking about what he should do to cover his wound at the edge of his lips. He never involved in any fight before until last night, when he gets a surprise punch from a man who he thinks might be insane. He went home when everyone was already sleeping last night and today, his mom will surely surprised to see him with this wound.

He is wearing a plain t-shirt under his leather jacket and matches them with a pair of dark blue jeans. It's not a formal lunch but according to his mom, it's a very important lunch so he needs to look decent.

"Yaa! Kim Doyoung! What happened to your face?!" As what he guessed, his mom starts to go crazy over that tiny wound.

"Well..." He's trying his best to procrastinating the answer.

The doorbell rings indicating that the guests are already here. Thanks to them who comes at the right time, Doyoung doesn't need to answer her mom's suspicion.

As a good and decent son, he knows he should show a good manner by welcoming their guests. But looking at one of them, he can't help but to be too surprised. He starts clenching his teeth from the sudden anger.

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