Chapter 4

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Hi its me and I am here to say that  have decided to have this more modern because of scenes that will come up in the story. The setting (and by that I mean like England) will be a bit older but other than that it will be modern.

^Jo's pov^

I freeze. He called me Jo, no ones called me Jo since my mom died. I turn around and look at him, "Don't you think it would be a bit strange you, a prince walking out with me, your soon to be wife's servant."

He grins, "Yes, however if anyone sees us we can tell them the truth, you saw me a dashing and ever so hansom prince and you fell and hurt your self so I said I'd help you back to the Palace."

"Don't be so cocky Sir Hero!" I smile at him.

"Just come on." He says.

We walk in comfortable silence and I can't help but laugh at some of the things Sir Hero says. While we're walking past the most gorgeous lake I feel his hand brush up against mine.

"Sorry." He says and I don't miss the redness taking over his face.

I don't answer him, instead I take his hand in mine and keep walking with a smile on my face.

I'm holding Prince Hero Fiennes Fucking Tiffin's hand!!

We get to the edge of the woods I let go of his hand, "Why did you let go?" He asks me.

"Because," I tell him, "how do you think your fiance would react seeing us walk out hand in hand?"

"She'd have to get over herself because I don't even want to marry her." He states making me laugh.

"Bye Sir Hero."


"Josephine, will you please bring out this plate to Sir Hero?" Monica their chef ask me, "he's very picky about certain foods and unfortunately Princess Sofia's favourite is one of them."

I smile and take the plate, Sir Hero seems to hate cod as well, I'm glad I'm not the only one.

"Sorry for interrupting but this is Sir Hero's dinner." I tell everyone.

As I'm placing the plate down on the table I notice Sir Hero stare at me and smile as he thanks me.

^Hero's pov^

I'm actually not having that bad a time but I think that more because I'm still thinking about how Jo held my hand. I don't know how to describe how it felt but it felt, good?

"I can't wait for the wedding!"

And like that my good mood is ruined and I stand up and storm out of the room for what feels like the hundredth time this week.

Of course they had to bring up the fucking wedding when I am trying so hard to even be in the same room as them.

I lie down on my bed and stare up at the ceiling. I grab my phone from where its charging and open Instagram.  I close the app the minute I open it and instead decide to text Felix, my best mate.

The conversation


Whats up mate?

I did it again

Do you mean you attempted to kill yourself again?


Why you where doing so well

Because I have to get fucking married in 6 months

What the fuck! To who?

Spanish bitch


Ya me too

Right mate I gotta go but please just try not to kill your self for a few days


I turn off my phone and close my eyes hoping I'll be able to sleep for once.

No luck.

I don't know what to do I can't leave my room or I'll be sure to bump into someone.

Fuck it I'm leaving, I can't even breathe in here.

^Jo's pov^

I can't sleep.

And it's getting on my nerves.

I've been reading a book for the past hour and still no luck.

I'm interrupted from my reading by a knock on the door.

"Come in."

The door opens and in walks someone I never thought would be calling to my room.

Prince Hero.

"Em hi, I don't want to interrupt you but I realised I never thanked you for your helping me today." He tells me as he rubs the back of his neck.

I smile, "No it's alright, I wasn't able to sleep anyway."

"Yeah me neither."

"So do you want to maybe finish twenty questions?" I ask him with a lazy grin.

"How could I refuse."

I love this chapter and I don't even know why but thanks for reading!

Love ye🤍💕

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