Chapter 6

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^Jo's pov^

I quickly run over to where the ready made cup of tea is and walk over to the door.

Opening the door, I take a deep breath and announce. "Sir Hero your tea is ready "

King George immediately stops hitting his son and Sir Hero gets of the floor, holding his cheek that is already starting to bruise. "Thank you, Josephine."

He gives me a weak smile and leaves the room quickly.

"Thank you" Princess Mercy mouths at me, and then leaves the room.

I leave the room and go to go to my room but find myself knocking on the door to another room.

^Hero's pov^

I open the door expecting to see Mercy but instead I see Josephine.

"Sorry I don't why I'm here. I guess I just want to make sure your ok." She says and goes to turn around.

"Jo." I say and she turns back around. "Do you want to come in?"



"Your room is amazing." She states and looks for my permission before sitting down on the couch in the corner of the room.

"Thanks." I say and flop on my bed. I grab the bottle of water on my bedside table and take a long drink. I don't know what to do or why I invited her in. It's not that I don't like her but this is too awkward.

Suddenly she breaks the silence by asking. "Does that happen often?"

"Ya, especially now that Titan is sick."

"I'm sorry." She says.

"It's not your fault." I tell her, why is she sorry? Instead if talking she walks over to where my bathroom is.

She opens the door and comes out with a first aid kit. "I didn't even know that was in there." I laugh at my own ignorance. She giggles lightly and sits down next to me.

She wets a cotton pad  with some liquid that I'm assuming is rubbing alcohol and tells me. "This might sting." The pad presses against my temple and a searing pain shoots through me.

I stay still as the pain continues and finally, Jo finishes.

"All cleaned up." She smiles.

"Thank you." I stare at her unsure of what to do now. I'm not aware of myself leaning into Jo until our noses are almost touching.

I close my eyes and just let my instincts take over. Our faces are so close and the gap between our lips is almost non existent.

Jo's hand goes to my chest and my heart starts thumping until, "Sir Hero, I have to go."


She gets up and leaves the room briskly and I have no idea what to do or what just happened. I thought we were going to kiss. Fuck, I wanted us to kiss and I feel like she wanted to aswell.

I don't understand this, why did she push away?

I mean if she was scared of getting in trouble, she should have known I would protect her. I don't know why but I would never put her in danger by kissing her and not protect her, I mean I'd do it for anyone.

But I don't think I'd kiss anyone.

I call Felix.

"Hey man."

"Felix, can I come over?"


^Jo's pov^

Why did I leave? God I'm stupid. He was going to kiss me. Sir Hero was going to kiss me and I left.

What is wrong with you Jo?

I feel like shit, and since I was told I don't have anything to do for the rest of the day I'll just have to stay in my room thinking about what happened.

I'm interrupted from my thoughts by a knock on my door. Walking over to it I start hoping it's Sir Hero but I'm disappointed when I see Princess Mercy instead.

"May I come in?" She asks.

I nod my head and she walks in sitting on the chair by the desk that came in this room. I go back over to my bed and sit down.

She stares at me for a minute, "Thank you for what you did today."

"It's fine, no one deserves what happened." I say.

"Still," Princess Mercy says,"No one has ever tried helping so it's nice to know you will."

"Again its fine." I smile at her.

"Well I like you and I want to pay you back so, I am inviting you to a two day sleepover with my friends, and before you say no because of your job, I already talked to Princess Sofia and arranged it all."

"I- I don't know what to say! Thank you!" I smile at her.

"Now we just have to pack." Mercy says, excitement laced in her voice.

New chapter and things are finally about to happen so get ready

Love ye ❤

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