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             I furiously walked out of the field. How dare he blackmailed me!! He don't have any idea who he messed up with. I will definitely teach him a lesson but firstly I have to get that stupid interview done. Ughh! I thought frustratedly. If it wouldn't have been for that interview I wouldn't even talk to him. Emma Parker doesn't take a shit from anyone and that includes the great Ashton too!

           After giving the teacher of my art class a late card signed by the principal herself I made my way to sit in the middle of the class where I always sit. Jenny who was watching me as i walked towards my seat,passed me a note which read 'What's got you in all bad mood?' I sighed and then turned towards her mouthing 'Later'.

          After art class was over we had our lunch. I and jenny don't sit in cafeteria as we both bring our packed lunches so we sit under a tree outside cafeteria. Not many people sit outside so we always have our privacy. As soon as we were seated jenny bombarded questions upon questions as to why I was in such a foul mood earlier in the class. I told her everything about my encounter with Ashton and like every other girl in school she squealed in happiness gushing I was so lucky. Why am I not at all surprised with her reaction? Like others she's also one of the fan girls of Ashton and Jake.

           'Why did I even bother to tell her?' I asked myself.' Simple. Because you are stupid' my inner me replied. Great! Now I was having a conversation with myself. Seriously.... can't this day get any worse!!!

"Oh God Emma! You are so lucky girl... Till today Ashton has never once asked a girl out on a date... It means he likes you!"

          " For starters jenny he didn't ask me out on a date... more like he demanded me coz when you ask someone you give them an option to choose between yes or no but in my case there wasn't any option... And for main course he doesn't like me.. So stop using your brain which is now creating fantasies about how our babies will look like and lastly for dessert just shut up and don't you dare tell about this to anyone other wise I will have your head in dinner."

        She pouted saying" Fine but you got the babies part correct.." after seeing my glare she continued " OK OK sorry.. But I am definitely coming tomorrow at your house to do your make up and to pick your outfit" Even if I will say no she will definitely come so I don't see the point in arguing and BBB nodded my head.

           The day went on quickly and soon the school was over. After reaching home, I helped my mom cook dinner and then helped my brother in his homework and then went to my room to do my homework. After I was done, I jumped on the  bed replaying everything that happened today. Soon I was drifted off to sleep.

        Next morning, my alarm went off and I threw the covers off me to get ready for the school. Today, jenny was coming to pick me up. After eating my breakfast and saying good byes to everyone I walked out of the front door just in time to see jenny parking her car in my driveway. I opened the passenger door and sat in.

        "Hey girl... Howzz you??" She greeted me enthusiastically like always. "Same old... Wbu?? Any interesting stories to share??" I asked her. Trust me on this when I say jenny shares the most interesting stories you would have ever heard of. It's most likely because she is a gossip girl who unlike me loves to gossip about everyone and everything. I am not the shy type.... you must have definitely known that by now. It's just that I rather listen than speak.

        As we were on our way she was telling me an incident that occurred in her history class yesterday.. Some girl proposed that Jake guy asking him out and how he rejected her outright. In between talking about the incident she suddenly began to say how hot was Jake was looking yesterday and how she would give everything to just go on a date with him.Jenny tends do that a lot- she abruptly changes the topic if a hot guy comes in it. I have to shout about 5 times to bring her on track always but today I just wasn't interested so I did not bother her and let her continue gushing about Jake's hotness.

       After reaching the school we parted our ways.

        After school was over... I met jenny near her car. Once I was inside the car she drove off. After about 10 minutes we reached at her house. She climbed out and after another 10 minutes came with 7 bags in her hand." Whoa whoa!! Jenny! I am not dressing up for a prom neither I am going on a dance party... So what is all this??"

        " Just shut up Emma... This is your first date... You have to look your best.. Understood??" After giving me a glare I nodded. Jenny can be scary sometimes if she wants too. After about 7-8 minutes we reached at my house. I climbed out with jenny following me.

         Jenny went straight and hugged my mom and brother.. dad still hadn't come home. We both went upstairs afterwards. I already told my mom that I was going on a date and unlike other moms she practically bounced like jenny squealing in happiness about how I have grown up and all.Dad was also fine with it... Just said me to be safe. I mean seriously least scold me or anything but no. All I got was approval.

             As soon as we reached my room.. Jenny threw me in the bathroom saying " Go take shower girl. You stink." Wow.. and she's my best friend... I wondered sarcastically. After taking a shower I came out wrapped in a towel. Jenny have already removed my dress from all the clothes she brought. She knew that I definitely won't wear any type of mini skirt or skimpy clothes so she being a good friend like she is removed a strapless red dress which ended up to my knees.

          As I was about to take the dress my phone went off indicating a new message. I reached for it and opened up to see a message from none other than Ashton asking me my address. I replied my address and then closed my cell.

         Jenny was grinning from ear to ear as she was gonna do my make up. She made me sit on the chair and after half an hour she spoke "I am done" I looked in the mirror and was happy to see she didn't do it over the top.Just a little natural make up and my hair were little curled and were brought on one side." Thanks jenny! I really love it." I thanked her genuinely. She waved her hand as if saying no biggie.

After that I wore the dress and looked in the mirror. I was actually looking pretty good... I thought to myself.

            Just as I finished wearing normal heels the doorbell went off. I went down and opened the door of my house to come face to face with you- know-who. My breath practically caught in throat. He was looking terrific in a suit. Not only now I have a stupid party to attend to but also to stay away from this handsome and devilish jerk but it is pretty hard seeing he's my date.

       Stupid party.... here I come...


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