chapter 19

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I played a few other people throughout the day and Arwyn's name moved up and down the board from one category to the next. I won, I lost and I stale-mated. It was exhilarating to experience it all. I didn't really understand how they ranked people or how they decided who would play who next. I just followed Arwyn around for most of the day while he commented on my gameplay and encouraged me to improve.

"So if you win this, you'll play Everett."

"Really?" I squeaked. I was so close to Elliot now that my heart raced furiously.

"Yeah. So, you know, don't mess up."

I wrapped my jacket closer to me as I tried to slow my breaths. Arwyn guided us towards the chessboard and my mind sped faster than I could've kept up with.

"I haven't seen Everett all day, what if he didn't turn up? What if he hasn't even won his games and won't be in the finale? Say, if I lose this, do you think he'll still talk to me. I doubt it. We should get food after this, yes? I'm sort of starving and I really hope my stomach doesn't rumble during the game. God, that would be embarrassing! Do you want to know the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to me? Well, I'll tell you. It was in year four, right? And I'd won this award and-"

"Shit," Arwyn interrupted as the word was sharply muttered under his breath. His features contorted into one of pain.

"What?" I demanded but my voice wavered.

When Arwyn didn't answer, I pulled my eyes to where he was looking and my heart froze at the sight of who sat opposite my board.

It was as though the whole world around me was on standby as his ocean blue eyes pierced mine. I felt trapped inside a plastic bubble while frozen from the outside world. It was like white noise in my ears. Everything except Griffin Blackwell, who sat at the board and smirked only a fraction, was put to the back of my mind. Moving my legs slowly toward the chessboard, I was stunned to silence. I shouldn't have been, though. He shouldn't have had this effect on me. It wasn't fair.

"Arwyn!" He grinned. "How are you, lad? Come sit down quickly so we can get started."

Arwyn pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose and his features were schooled blankly. "I'm not playing you, Zora is."

Griffin's blinding smile dropped as I sat in my seat.

"But your name was on the board," he argued feebly.

Arwyn shrugged.

I tried my best to think about all the moves I could've used to counter Griffin's opening. He had first go and it made me bite my lip to swallow the words rising from my throat.

He turned to me and the look in his eyes was that of what you gave to a small, vulnerable animal. I hated it. I hated it so much. I didn't need his pity now, I didn't need it then either.

I had to admit, though, Griffin Blackwell was very beautiful. He was handsome in a defined sort of way. With sharp brows and a sharp nose, sharp jawline and sharp eyes. He seemed almost sculpted, the opposite of a mistake. As though his face alone had been planned for years and finally handcrafted. He was ethereal and I hated it.

I hated him.

"Ready?" he cooed.

I was about to press the button to begin when Arwyn dropped his head to my ear and whispered so that only I could hear, "Griffin always starts with a scotch opening."

His breath tickled my ear and left me feeling hazy. I furrowed my eyebrows when he pulled back, not knowing how that would help. That was until it all came back and instantly, I understood. Sending a grin toward Arwyn,  I clicked the button to begin. This was my chance to prove myself once and for all, to Arwyn, to Griffin and to Blackwell's chess team who had all gathered around our table.

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