☆ Chapter One - Forgotten Invite ☆

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It wasn't supposed to happen; they weren't supposed to disappear. It could have been different. We could have been better friends and better people. But now it is too late. We fucked up and their disappearance is a constant reminder of that. It happened because of us, all of us.

"You don't have to do this. You wouldn't be letting anyone down."

"I know." I mumble whilst tucking a pair of black Jean's into my bag before turning and walking to my bedside dresser to retrieve the small cardboard box with my name and birthdate printed upon it. I sigh as I tuck it into the secret pocket in my bag; determined to keep it out of the sights of my friends.

"Cora, just stop and look at me for a second."

My shoulders slump at my mothers firm tone, though I comply with her request. I fake a smile, one that I hope convinces her that I'm okay as I turn to look at her where she sits on the end of my bed. Her shoulder-length brown hair and soft blue eyes scrutinise me before she smiles gently and pats the empty space on the mattress beside her.

I suppress a sigh and walk to sit beside her as my fingers reach up absentmindedly to tuck a fallen strand of my dark brown hair behind my ear. Meanwhile, my emerald green eyes fix their tired gaze on my hands as I pick at my nails anxiously.

"Look, I know that you care deeply about your friends and that you want to be there for them through this, but I'm not sure this is a good idea." She begins with the inevitable mention of my new medication already in plain view as I resist the urge to roll my eyes. "Your medication is stronger now, and you're still adjusting to them. I just... I..." She sighs and runs a hand through her hair in deep thought, her brows creasing.

"Chris asked me to be there. He wants us all to be there for Josh. He was confused as to why I hadn't received an invite from Josh, but he was pretty insistent that I go up there. He is meeting me at the cable car station in a few short hours." I inform her whilst lifting my head to meet her worried gaze. "I will be fine. I can handle myself, and I think I need to go back to get closure on what happened. I think we all do." I mumble sadly.

"I just want you to be safe. I want to know that you won't come back hurting more than you already are now."

This time, my own brows crease in confusion at her words while my eyes search hers for answers. She reaches up with a loving smile and strokes my cold cheek gently before speaking. "I hear you at night. Your silent sobs are not so silent. I hear you cry for the twins, for Josh, and even on the rare occasion for yourself."

"I didn't realise you could hear me..." I admit as the instant regret for moving back in with my mother when returning from the lodge last year rises in my chest.

"A mother hears everything, especially her child's pain."

I nod and frown, no longer able to form a sentence as guilt for worrying her consumes me. I had tried so hard during the day to be strong for her. To seem fine and appear better, but all the while, she had heard my anguish at night. My efforts had been for nothing, and now I was consumed by too many emotions to be able to focus on a single one.

"If you want to go, I won't stop you. You're an adult now, and I respect your decisions. All I ask is that you stay safe and don't take on too much."

"I won't, I promise." I reassure.

"Don't forget to take the medication, Cora. You know what happens when you don't."

I nod. "I won't forget but I really should finish packing because I need to catch the bus soon and I don't want to miss it." I tell her whilst standing up and walking to my bag once more, my back to her.

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