☆ Chapter Five - Save Me ☆

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The room is fairly generous in size and almost identical to the online images offered to anyone brave enough to Google the establishment. The walls are a subtle shade of rose gold with dozens of sketches and images hung on the wall, it’s pretty and fairly effective in offering inspiration to those coming with a desire to have something permanently tattooed upon their body – like Hannah was intending to do today.

I smile as her light brown eyes scan the sketch board to my right, inspecting the different butterfly designs upon it. I see that familiar spark within them as she turns to me with a wide and excitable smile. “This one,” she reaches out and catches my wrist then with a light tug she has me standing beside her and in front of the Butterfly wall. She lifts a finger and points to a beautiful and mature design, one sure to suit her perfectly.

“Well, what do you think? Do you think he’ll like it?”

“I think that design has your name written all over it. So, yeah I like it.” I reassure as she begins to appear nervous.

She nods in thought, “but do you think he'll like it? That he'd be impressed?” she asks with uncertainty.

I frown and glance to Josh and Beth as they stand just outside with a half drank coffee in hand, unable to enter the premises with food or drink. Then I turn and look back to the anxious twin before me, a smile gracing my lips. “I doubt your talking about your brothers opinion,” she shakes her head.


“Ahh,” I realise, “I think that Mike's opinion should have no hold over what you do today.” I tell her truthfully. Her brows drip in confusion and obvious embarrassment causing me to continue before I unintentionally upset her. “All I’m saying Hannah is that you are beautiful and far more than some tattoo you wanna get to impress him. Mike is a good guy but truthfully you could do better because he sucks as a boyfriend, I’ve seen him break too many hearts in the four years I’ve known him.” I explain.

“I just-" she sighs in obvious defeat, “I just want him to like me too. I want him to notice me.”

I watch with sympathy as she shakes her head and walks to the sofa near the store window, her eyes flooding with unshed tears. I hadn’t intended to upset her, I just want her to realise her worth and do this body altering thing for herself not for the approval of some guy she is heavily crushing on.

I follow her to the leather sofa and plant myself in the space beside her with an understanding heart, determined to be supportive rather than critical. I reach out and place a hand on her shoulder gently, “Hannah, I’m sorry. I didn’t want to upset you, I just really want you to think about whether you really want to permanently ink a butterfly on your body. Because this thing you feel for Mike may fade in time and I don’t want you having regrets about this.”

She sniffles and lifts her head whilst shaking it. I frown deeply at her puffy eyes and red, tear stained cheeks as guilt riddles me. “No, your right. I hate it when your right.” She half jokes before sighing once more. “I want to get the Butterfly because it’s beautiful, if Mike likes it then it’s a bonus.”

“You sure?”

“I am.” she nods with an appreciative smile, “thank you, Cora. I think I needed that honesty, I need to realise that Mike shouldn’t have a hold on my choices especially when it comes to my body and happiness.”

“I’m glad you agree with me about that. Mike really isn’t so perfect, you know. I once caught him picking his nose and you won’t believe what he did next.” I speak quietly with disgust crinkling my nose, the images flooding back.

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