☆ Chapter Six - Monked ☆

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His hand catches my wrist as I come upon the boiler, his grip firm yet gentle all at once as he steps around me to look me in the eye. He pants from jogging to catch up to me which only makes me feel all the worse, he had chased after me because I had been selfish and walked off in a momentary daze, too stubborn to turn back and talk things out with him. I say nothing as he continues to catch his breath, deciding that he should be the first to speak when he is able.

“Y-You don’t mean that. Do you?” his voice is softer than I had expected, almost fearful as though my answer held great importance to him.

I frown and slip my wrist from his hand before tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear and under his hat that still sits on my head. “I did, I do.” I mumble sadly, “we have grown apart Josh. We haven’t spoken in a month, even now we seem to be clouded in something foreign and uncomfortable. The air is thick and heavy when I'm with you and these feelings, I can’t- I'm drowning in them and it hurts. It hurts so much to see you hiding things, to see the pain that lingers in those eyes I adore so much. I just- I-”

The tightening in my chest intensifies as I continue to feel overwhelmed and exhausted, this is too much – all of it. My mind reels with thoughts too quickly for me to process or decipher, my heart aches painfully and panic explodes within me, threatening to destroy me. I can’t breathe, it burns. My chest feels on fire and I can’t focus, everything is wrong and it's my fault. I shouldn’t have come back; I shouldn’t be here. I'm ruining everything. I always ruin everything; I’m always doing the wrong thing. I can’t-


My tear-filled forest green eyes find Josh amongst the chaos of my own mind, my breathing still heavy and painful as I reach out and touch his chest, the fabric of his shirt feels so real, so soft and familiar. Those eyes; I'd know them anywhere; I'd pick them out of a crowd. “Josh?” my voice breaks as my tears freely flow.

I feel my legs buckle and without a thought I close my eyes and prepare to collide harshly with the hard concrete floor of the basement but that blunt contact never comes. Instead, I'm wrapped in familiar strong arms and I'm pressed tightly against a strong chest. “I got you,” Josh whispers as he lowers us to sit on the floor, keeping me cradled against his chest as I sob silently. “You're okay, I'm gonna make sure you're okay.” he promises whilst running his hands through my hair comfortingly – his hat now on the floor after he had removed it.

“I miss you,” I sob out, “I miss you so much.”

I feel his brows dip against my forehead as he speaks, “I’m here now, Cora. I’m not going anywhere.”

“No,” I shake my head as I pull back to look at him through my ongoing tears, trying desperately to clutch onto any strength that remains deep within me. “I miss how we used to be; I miss your smile and seeing you happy.”

“I’m ha-”

“Save me the bullshit,” I cut him off firmly with a knowing look, “I know you, Josh. I see through the façade just as you see through mine. Don’t disrespect me by lying to my face. You are not happy and neither am I. We are both lost and hurting from an unimaginable loss but I've come to realise that pulling away from each other is doing nothing for us but causing more heartache. We need each other – I need you.” my voice cracks as another tear slips down my reddened cheek. I close my eyes and breathe in to calm my raging emotions, trying to fight back for control over my mind and body.

“I thought I was protecting you, that I was doing right by you even if I was miserable.”

I open my eyes to look at him where he is knelt in front of me, his head dipped down in defeat as his shoulders remain slumped. He looks miserable and broken. My heart swells with emotion for him as I shuffle forward towards him slowly, I feel that adoration and deep care for him take control as my finger curls under his chin and tilts his head up to look at me. His stormy blue eyes meet my calmer green ones and for the first time today things make sense and I remember why I'm here.

“You don’t need to protect me from you, Josh. You are not a monster who seeks to hurt me and you are not some ugly human being that can corrupt me. You are who you have always been - you’re the kind, loving and goofy guy I've come to adore. Only now you have more internal scars and battles to face but that doesn’t mean you need to face them alone. I’m here and I want to be by your side, I need you by mine but you have to want me there, you have to let us be there for each other through these things.”

My voice is even now, my emotions calmer as I muster a warm and understanding smile for him. I reach out and place my hand on his warm cheek tentatively, allowing my thumb to run along his cheekbone. I feel my smile slip into a genuine fond one as he closes his eyes and leans into my touch as though he had been starved of it.

“I’m here and I’m real, Josh.” I remind him before leaning forward to press my soft ruby lips against his.

At first he doesn’t move and I am left feeling utterly stupid but just as I am about to pull back, I feel his lips begin to move against mine. His hands find my hips and my own fingers slide up to run through his short hair, we lean up on our knees with our bodies pressed close together, our lips moulding perfectly as though they were made for each other.

I smile against his soft lips and glide my hands to rest at the nape of his neck as I pull back. We each breathe heavily whilst resting our foreheads together, the reality of what just happened between us hitting the both of us full force as we lock eyes and breathe a light laugh.

“That was worth the wait.” He grins.
“You sure were.” I smile with a nod as I pull back from him a little more.

“I’m sorry,” he whispers whilst tucking a fallen strand of my hair back in place. “I shouldn’t have shut you out and I shouldn’t be teasing Chris about Ashley when I couldn’t even muster the courage to make the first move.”

“I got caught up in the moment, if I hadn’t I never would have kissed you in fear of being rejected.”

“I’d never reject you. How can I reject the girl I’ve been mad about since I laid eyes on her?”

I blush at his confession and shake my head, “you don’t. You seize an opportunity to kiss her again.”

Josh grins and without warning he captures my lips with his own again, only this time the breath is knocked from my lungs at the intensity and emotion fuelling his drawn out and passionate movements. His touch is soft yet needy and his need to have me close is intoxicating. I can’t help the subtle skip of a beat my heart does when he grips my hip and tugs me against him, keeping no space between us as his lips work in passionate sync with my own.


We break apart at the sound of Sam's voice, our heads snapping in the direction where she stands with her arms folded across her chest a borderline frustrated yet happy look flashing over her features. “You guys are left alone for five minutes to sort the boiler for my hot water and I come to find you making out. Really?”

“We were just... uh...” I fail to come up with a believable or quick enough excuse so I opt to just stare awkwardly at her without blinking. “Sorry,” I apologise sheepishly whilst allowing Josh to pull me to a stand with him.

“Its fine, I suppose I should be happy to see the two of you finally getting down to some action, only took six years for you guys to give in to your feelings for each other. Not bad.”

“I hear Chris and Ashley are coming for our record.” I whisper to Josh whilst glancing around us like a paranoid conspirator.

“Let them, we can make a new one.” He winks suggestively.

“Yeah, after you get me some hot water.” Sam cuts in firmly with a pointed look causing Josh to lift his hands in surrender with a chuckle.

“Don’t shoot a guy for trying.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it.” Sam smirks smugly.

I smile and wrap my arms around myself as I watch Josh walk to the boiler, a content and happy expression on his face. I feel lighter and clear headed, things make more sense than they have in a long time. Josh had kissed me back, he had reciprocated the passion and emotion I had put into that kiss and right now nothing could take away the warmth his touch had ignited within me.

Sam wanders aimlessly around Josh before her head perks up and a curious smile finds her thin lips. I watch her with burning curiosity as she leans forward and reaches beside the boiler before pulling back with a baseball bat firmly in grasp. My heart tugs with lingering grief as the memories of my time with the Washington family during many summers rush to the surface, the memories of our competitive games so close to overflowing.

Sam fails to realise the significance behind what she has just found, having failed to pick up on my expression as I watch her nor the possible memories that could be attached to the simple piece of wood as she pretends to swing it whilst walking around Josh.

“Little rough playing baseball in all that snow.” she jokes whilst once more holding it as if ready to swing it.

Josh lifts his head at the sound of her playful tone and without hesitation, takes it from her. “No, it wasn’t in the winter silly. I mean we’d come up in the summer and we'd have the best time – the whole family was there, mom, dad...” he trails off in thought as his brows dip and his lips pull together in a frown.

I share a look with Sam before Josh speaks up again, “my sisters... even Cora was there,” he smiles up at me but it is far from reaching his pained eyes then he drops has head to look back at the bat in his hand. “Was some serious competition out on that big lawn.”

“No time for losing.” I say whilst smiling as I hear Beth's voice calling that exact thing in my head – something she would always shout in response to any teasing she would receive during the game.

“I don’t know,” Josh mumbles to himself whilst sliding his hand down the bat to grip the end before placing it in a box beside where he stands. A sigh leaves him as he looks up at Sam, “can't go back. New reality, right Sam?”

There is a sharpness to his tone, a bitter chill to the way he says our friends name as though it leaves a bitter taste in his mouth. No longer did he seem calm, content and relaxed but rather troubled and upset. Or at least he does until a visible switch in him occurs, his shoulders straighten and a forced smile replaces the previous frown as he adjusts his grip on the torch in his hand and points to the boiler.

“Anyway, I’m supposed to be fixing this little guy, right?” he says whilst flicking a few switches on some control box, when nothing happens he walks back to the boiler and bends over slightly to get a better look.

I take a breath in and pass by Sam to stand beside Josh, I reach out and place a hand to his shoulder, hoping to offer him silent support through whatever his mind is beating him up about. He doesn’t say anything but the smile he offers me when he looks over his shoulder is enough to let me know I’m helping him.

“Hey, can you hold this for me?”

He holds out the torch to me and without a second thought I nod and take it from him. Sam jumps behind us only a second later as the sound of things falling and banging echoes from behind us, in a deeper part of the bunker sized basement. I feel my heart leap at the sudden sounds and step back myself in unease, is someone else down here with us?

“What was that?” Sam asks quietly whilst glancing to the two of us.

I shrug and look in the direction the sounds had come from. “What was what?” Josh asks whilst leaning back to look at us, clear confusion on his face as though he hasn’t heard a peep which frankly is impossible because China heard that shit. “Cora, just shine it here so I can see what I’m doing.”

I turn my head, effectively tearing my gaze away from the direction of the mysterious noises to look at Josh and the boiler instead. My palms are clammy with unease as that same sense of dread and fear rises in me. Something isn’t right, I can feel it.
I don’t move an inch as Josh fiddles with various switches and levers, hoping to get something working though not appearing to have much luck. He finally leans back and smiles whilst standing upright again, he shakes his head at himself whilst thinking something over before slipping past me to approach the very same control box thing he had only a few minutes ago.

“Okay, first things first, we gotta increase the water pressure before we get the boiler fired up.” he explains as Sam walks up behind him.

“Mmm... sounds kinda complicated.” she hums.

“Nah, it’s actually pretty simple. Just turn that switch to the right and push that button when that light flashes red.” He instructs whilst pointing to the different things she has to push and pay attention to. Then he walks back to the boiler and bends over once more to do whatever he needs to. I stand back and watch the pair in silence, already itching to get out of the creepy basement atmosphere we are being subjected to.

“Nice!” Josh grins whilst lifting his hand to high five Sam when she successfully increases the water pressure thus helping Josh get the boiler going. However, I pay them no mind as I turn and walk forward a little, my nervous gaze locked in firmly on the back area where more mysterious sounds are emitting from.

I lift the torch slightly in hopes of finding something to explain them, something that would debunk my current theory that face eating aliens had finally come for me or that a vengeful ghost was haunting us.

“And where would I be without my trusty torch bearer?” Josh smiles whilst coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my mid section. He peppers a few soft and loving kisses on my neck as Sam cuts in from beside us.

“Probably in jail.”

“Ouch, Sammy. That hurt.” Josh pouts before looking back at me as I shush the two of them and step forward once more, Josh's grip loosening on me in the process.

“Do you hear that?” I ask them in a hushed whisper.

Sam's face falls as she picks up on the sound too though Josh simply dismisses it and pokes my shoulder playfully. “That could be a lot of things, and none of them nice.” I frown and turn to him as he chuckles. “Relax, I’m just Joshing ya.”

“Joshing me?” I arch an amused brow and fold my arms.

“Yeah, but wow you were really freaked out, huh?”

“I was not. I was just-"

I’m cut off by the sound of loud tapping, an almost rhythmic echo to it coming from the same area as before only now it’s too loud to ignore or excuse. My body tenses as Sam and I once more look to each other nervously. “You can’t tell me you don’t hear that.” Sam mutters quietly to Josh as I hold the torch up and point it at the back area.

Josh tilts his head and steps in front of me protectively whilst staring off at the area too. He takes a cautious step forward, then another and another before Sam speaks up.

“We should check it out,” she suggests.

“What? Why?” Josh and I ask incredulously.

“Because I wouldn’t want this place burning up on my watch if I were you. Besides, it’s probably a rat or something.”

“Or an axe murderer.” I whisper whilst feeling Josh's fingers lace with my own.

“Not helping.” he murmurs to me with a pointed look.


“Just... stay close.” he whispers whilst squeezing my hand gently. I nod and follow behind he and Sam as they walk deeper into the basement towards the sounds.

We come to the end of the hall just beside a door when a maniac in some kind of ski mask jumps out wearing a black cloak of some kind. He makes an odd sound, one I take as a warning to run away as I squeeze Josh's hand and let out a fearful scream. He wastes no time, not a second as he grips my hand tighter and pulls me in the direction we had come, he weaves his way through until we are back at the top of the basement stairs where the door is with Sam just behind us.
Only the fucking thing is locked.

I growl and in unison with Sam, I slam my body against the door, hoping to open it miraculously with our combined body weight. Josh stands in front of us with his arm outstretched in a protective manner, his back facing us as he remains tense.

“Joshua Washington, why in Odin's name is every door in this house locked?!” I shout in a panic as I turn my head and catch sight of the maniac approaching us, his footsteps slow as he ascends the stairs towards us.

“To keep out strangers!”

“Shit!” Sam shouts in frustration as we both turn to the maniac.


That voice is familiar, oddly familiar. What kind of crazy face eating, axe murdering maniac says hey?!

“What?” Sam whispers whilst scrutinising the person as we both step forward.


“What the hell?” Sam growls.

“Boom!” the person cheers whilst pulling their hood down to reveal themselves. “You just got monked.”
My eyes narrow at my best friend as he smirks smugly, clearly finding enjoyment out of the scare he had just pulled on us. I fold my arms and shake my head as a breathy laugh escapes me though no amusement is felt. “You are such a jackass.” I mumble with an eye roll as Sam proceeds to slap his arm in annoyance.

“Payback is a bitch, Cora.”

“Hey, I only told you your fly was undone in front of Ashley. You just tried to give me- us a heart attack!” I defend.

“Still makes us even, not my fault my pranks are better.”

“Not my fault your a dick either.” I mutter as Josh laughs and high fives Chris.

“You know you love me.” Chris smiles.

“Sorry, bro. She is spoken for.” Josh jokes whilst taking my hand and pulling the keys to the door out of his pocket.

“Wait, what I miss?”

I smirk at Chris as Josh finally gets the door open, then I lean on my tiptoes and kiss Josh on the lips softly before pulling back. “Just your two best friends agreeing to take a trip to the bone zone later, figured someone should.” I wink before sauntering off with Sam as she closes Josh and Chris's mouths and follows me.


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