The Final Decision

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The recruits gathered behind me as I faced John. The sun was rising, making the sky look pink.

"Andy!" He laughed, "Wow. I knew you were coming, but I didn't think you'd come so strong after what happened before."

"Well you thought wrong." I said, clenching my fists.

"You're so different now, Andy. When I first met you, yeah you had strong opinions, but I thought that you would've at least been political about this whole thing instead of jumping right into war."

"Oh, like you've been so helpful."

"Yeah, well, didn't have much of a choice. You know what this reminds me of? When I first got elected into the presidents seat. The three of us went out to dinner to celebrate." He looked down at the grass, and sniffed a little, "But after, I remember we dropped Mary off at her apartment, and it was just you and me. We went to the peer, where we first met in 3rd grade. Reminisced about all those years we spent together. Man, those were the days, weren't they?" He looked back up, and I noticed tears rolling from his eyes.

"Yeah." I was quiet, in all the years I've known John I never knew him to cry. He was always like my though older brother, the one that would defend me from the bullies at school, be my wing man, be the guy I confided all my secrets in.

"Man, I wish I could go back." He chucked, but it wasn't heartfelt.

"I remember." I said, looking at him. He raised his head again, "I wish we could go back too." I looked at the recruits, silently telling them to back off slightly. They let go of his arms, making him slouch to a sitting position. I walked forward and kneeled down next to him.

"Andy, if you don't kill me, I promise to never do anything to you or Mary, or this city, ever again. I just want things to go back to those simpler times." More tears ran down his face.

"I know, John, but you've done so many bad things, you've got too many enemies here now-"

"I know, I know, but Andy...Anderz," I felt a tear rolling down my cheek as he called me by my childhood nickname, "I swear, I will do anything to change." I hesitated. I don't want to kill him, he is really like a brother to me. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I did that. But, if I let him live, there's no way he can still go free. That wouldn't be fair for the city. Plus how then would he learn from his mistakes?

I took a breath before I started.

"I'll let you live." He raised his head, his eyes full of hope. I heard a collective gasp from the recruits behind me.

"Really?" John sniffled.

"Andy, what the hell are you-" Damon growled.

I held up my hand, making him stop.

"I'll let you live, however, you will be put in prison until you remember who you used to be, and how to live without lying you're way through life. I will be the one to judge who lets you out."

"Andy!" Damon yelled.

"Thank you, Andy, thank you!" John was crying now, tears were constantly rolling down his cheeks. Protests were coming from all of the troops, but I just stood up. And looked at Mary. I smiled at her, holding out my hand. She started to walk over to me, but out of the corner of my eye I saw Damon pull out his gun.

"John!" He yelled.

"Damon no!" I yelled, jumping in front of John just as Damon pulled the trigger. I felt something hit my chest, and warm liquid seeping through my shirt and down my chest.

"Andy..." Damon dropped the gun. I fell to my knees, putting a hand to my chest. Pulling it away, all I saw was red.

"Oh my God!" John yelled.

"ANDY!!" Mary shrieked, rushing over to my side. She laid my head in her lap, her tears falling onto my neck as she pressed her palms to the wound. "No no no..."

"What the hell Damon!!" Elijah yelled, I moved my eyes to look at him, he was calling an ambulance on his cell phone. Damon was on his knees in front of him, his hands pulling at the ends of his hair.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry..." He repeated.

"Someone help me!" Mary screamed. John crawled over, putting his jacket on my chest and helping Mary press down to stop the bleeding. Other cries were reaching my ears, but they started to sound distant. I raised my hand to Mary's cheek, rubbing tears from her face. "No," she sobbed, "Andy, no, stay with me! You can't leave me again! I just got you back!" She was screaming, pressing the jacket into my chest.

"Mary..." I whispered, my voice hoarse.

"Andy, don't talk, the ambulance will be here soon-"

"Mary..." I shushed her, "You have to let me go."

She shook her head, "No-"

"Yes, you have to. For me. Be the brave, kind, beautiful woman I fell in love with when we first met. I will always be there for you, even if you can't see me."

"No, Andy, you'll be there, I'll see you, our baby boy will see you."

"No, he won't, my love. But I trust that you will raise him to be the best boy he could be, and tell him about the bravery of all the people who sacrificed themselves for a world that he could be safe in." She nodded.

"I'll tell him about the brave King who led the revolution, too." She sobbed. I smiled.

"Okay. Just don't make me out to be too much of a prick, okay?" She laughed, nodding her head. I heard the siren of the ambulance.

"Hold on Andy, please, hold on..." She said. Her voice was distant.

I looked up to the gold and pink sky, whispering for one last time, "I love you, Mary." Closing my eyes, I let my last shallow breath through my lips, smiling at the thought of peace.

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