The Loss

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The key boards immediately started clacking away, and only a minute later the lights were off, signaling the ground troops to go in.

"Security systems offline, getting camera feed." I said, typing away on my own computer. Andy blew the gate and started leading the first two groups to the main entrance. I saw the other groups moving in too.

"Cameras online, looks like there's 5 reds just inside the main entrance, enter when you're ready."

Andy and the rest of both groups slammed open the door and took down the guards. But just as the last one went down, an alarm was triggered.

"What?" My heart was racing. I started trying to find the code to turn it off.

"Mary, what's going on?" David asked

"Looks like there was a back up alarm that we didn't know about. I'm working on it, just keep going."

"Guards heading your way, groups 3, 4, and 5 get in there." Jake was watching the monitors carefully.

"Julia! I need you to get that alarm off." I said, switching through the cameras as they went.

"On it."

"Andy, take a left." On the screen they followed my order, "take the second right, and the hall should be close."

"Got it."

"Keep in mind we don't have cameras in the hall, so we're blind. Hold at the door."

"Mary," One of the other recruits said, "I've got the alarm turned off. Ready to kill the emergency lights when you're ready."

"Okay, is team 3 in the security office yet?"

"Yes, all ready. Team 4 and 5 are in the halls."

"Okay. On my go..." I paused, looking at Andy one more time.

"Now." they breached the door, and gun shots were everywhere. "What's happening?"

"They're all in there! The whole security squadron is in the hall!" Katie said. She was in the hallway guarding the hall door. I saw her on the cameras firing away from behind the corner.

"I need eyes in there!" I said. The camera guy from Katie's group held is helmet around the corner so I could see. About 50 security officers were in the hall, some already dead but there were still about 40 left. I watched as Andy hid behind a pillar just inside the hall, shooting from behind it. Next to him, a recruit was shot in the arm, he moved the gun to his other hand, leaving the safety of the pillar and grabbed the recruit, pulling him back to safety. There was a guard coming up on his right as he was firing toward the ones in the center of the hall.

"Andy watch-" the guard shot Andy, hitting him in the stomach and the shoulder. He killed the recruit, and started firing at the others. "Andy!" I cried. "David, Katie, you've got to get him out of there!"

"Trying!" I heard David say. Katie started to pull Andy into the hallway. "We've got to retreat!" David yelled. They started pulling out of the hall, once in the dim hallway, David picked up Andy and carried him out the side door. The groups all ran for cover as the guards followed them out.

"Mary, re group at the cave." I tore off my head set and started helping pack the computer stuff. We had moved most of the other things to the cave just in case, but not enough for everyone. I didn't realize tears were rolling down my face until we were in the car driving.


"We're here." Jake mumbled. The cave was, well, a cave just outside the city limits. Once we hid the cars, we unpacked and carried the computers up the small trail and into the cave entrance. Katie was waiting for us there.

"Where's Andy?" I prodded, taking her arm and leading her deeper into the cave.


"Show me!"

"Mary! Stop!" I did, pulling her to face me. Tears were rolling down her cheeks too, making my expression soften, "Mary, Andy isn't here."

"What do you mean Andy isn't here? He was shot, David was carrying him out!"

"Yes, but they shot David, making him drop Andy. They grabbed them both, I would've gone back if I could-"

"No..." I cried, "No! No! No!" I hit the wall, again and again, screaming. I felt hands pulling me away, but I just sat down against the cool surface of the cave wall, and cried.

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