The Preparation

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Everything was going as planned, Mary was working with the recruits brought up to work the off sight attacks, teaching them how to cripple a network in less time than they already could. They now could do it in less than 5 minutes, which I never thought was possible. Elijah and Damon were helping the recruits train harder than ever before for the attack, and David was pulling his people together from all over the city.

I was jumping all over the place, helping wherever I was needed. Whether it be in the kitchen helping make dinner, or in the main area training recruits, or in the newly designated computer room helping Mary's recruits. The attack was two weeks away, and I was stressed and exhausted from lack of sleep.

After eating dinner with Elijah, Damon, Katie, and Mary, I left with the excuse of work to go to my office alone for a little while. I flopped into my chair with a big sigh, slumping down and turning my chair towards the wall behind my desk. Taking the picture of me and Mary out of my pocket, I stared at it with fond memories going though my head. This was taken a week or two before the fight, Mary, John and I were all at the botanic gardens on 16th street for a day of relaxing. We had a picnic in the middle of the large maze of green plants and colorful flowers. Mary had brought her old Polaroid camera with her, and took pictures of almost everything.

** "Andy, come here!" Mary smiled, her profile outlined my the bright sun. Leaning over and grabbing my jacket sleeve, she pulled me closer to her and handing the camera to John. "Now smile." She giggled, putting her arms around me and looking at the camera. John snapped one, and set the developing picture to the side. I grabbed Mary's sides and started to tickle her, making her squirm and laugh, I looked at her beautiful face, seeing the camera flash again from the corner of my eye.

"This ones a keeper." John laughed as the picture turned over, passing it to me and Mary.

"I love it." I smiled. **

My reminiscing was interrupted by a small knock at the door. I turned around in my chair just as the door opened to reveal Mary, peaking her head inside.

"Hey." She said quietly, "Can I come in?" I nodded and waved her inside. She pulled the rest of her small frame through the door and shut it gently behind her. I took the moment her back was turned to stare. She was wearing a blue dress that went down to her knees, Long sleeves hid her arms and her long brown hair was half way pulled back. She looked beautiful today, but she always did.

Mary made her was to my desk and leaned agains the left corner. She folded her hands on her thigh and sighed.

"You okay?" She questioned, worry prevalent in her large eyes.

"Yeah." I nodded, trying to sound more convincing than it really was. She laughed.

"You were always a terrible liar." I laughed, but it wasn't heartfelt.

I sighed, running my hands down my face. "I'm just tired, that's all."

"Mmhm." She smirked, unconvinced. I looked at her, flopping my hands down in desperation as if to say, 'can't you just drop it?' But she just stared right back with those dark eyes that could see right through me. I always liked how persistent she could be, but right now it seemed annoying, even though she was just trying to help.

"Fine, God, just quit looking at me like that." I sighed.

"Like what?" She giggled.

"That!" I pointed, smiling a little.

"Yay! I got you to smile. Mary 1 Andy 0." She clapped, moving to one of the two chairs on the other side of my desk. I rolled my eyes, a smile eating it's way onto my face.

"So what's really the matter?"

"I don't know..." I trailed off, "I guess I'm just really stressed about this whole thing, I'm worried about you, and the recruits, and this city..." I paused, looking at my hands. "I just don't feel like I'm helping enough, and this thing is-what? 6 weeks away? Will we be ready?" I rested my elbows on the desk and set my head in my hands. I heard her get up out of the chair and come around the desk. Kneeling down next to me, she took my hands away from my face and turned my chair so I was facing her.

"Andy," she sighed, resting one of her delicate hands on my cheek. I covered it with my own, turning to kiss it for a moment before looking back at the girl I loved, "Andy, you are doing everything. You're leading this group of people, you're helping everywhere you can, don't think you aren't doing enough. No one could lead these people better than you. As for being ready, we are ready to do this tomorrow, everyone is just...perfecting now." I nodded, closing my eyes. She stood up and pressed her lips to mine, before taking my hand and pulling me up. She pulled my lips down to hers again, this time more feverishly, and as my hands moved down to her waist as hers moved up through my hair. She pulled away to catch her breath, grabbing my hand and pulling my out of my office and into my bedroom. Shutting the door, she pulled me to her again, and we walked to the bed. She started unbuttoning my shirt and I shrugged it off, letting it fall to the floor. She ran her hands down my chest, feeling my chest. She got up on her toes, kissing down my jaw line and to my neck as I unzipped her dress. She let it fall to the floor, joining my shirt. I captured her lips with mine again and kicked off my jeans, tossing them across the room somewhere. I backed her up until she was laying on the bed as I hovered over her.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked, kissing a line down her neck.

"Yes," she sighed, "I'm sure." I slipped off the rest of my clothing as she did the same, I stared down at her for a moment, taking in the beautiful girl in front of me.

"Andy," she smiled,

"Sorry," I smiled back, pressing a quick kiss to her lips, "I've just never seen anything so beautiful." This was the first time I've seen her like this, and God it was amazing.

A sigh escaped from her lips. Our breathing becoming heavier and heavier, our moans louder. Her moans filled the room with my name. I leaned down afterwards next to the sweet girl, pressing my lips to hers.

"I love you, Mary." I breathed.

"I love you too, Andy." She rolled onto her side, cuddling into my shoulder as I pulled the thin sheets over us. I heard her breathing slow, feeling my own eyes droop, I rubbed her back slowly.

"Goodnight, my Love."

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