The Train Journey and The Castle

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I looked around at Platform 9 3/4, the steam train was pulled up onto the shining rail lines. The train itself was a sleek shiny black with a big red circle stuck on the front reading "Hogwarts Express" in gold calligraphy. The chimney was sending out puffs of grey smoke into the sky. Students walked around, saying goodbye to parents and first years, like myself, running around the station like headless chickens. I looked over at my cousin, Draco, he was currently yawning and inspected his nails, looking completely unimpressed with the marvellous station.

I felt a hand being placed on my shoulder and turned around to see Lucius Malfoy snarling down at me.

"Now," he said, drawing out his words, "Remember what we talked about?"

"Yes," I replied staring into his cold eyes, "Get into Slytherin, keep my head down and don't draw any attention to myself."

Which is a bit hard to do when your mother is a famous deranged psychopath locked up in Azkaban, I thought in my head.

"Well done," Lucius said, releasing his grip from my shoulder. I smiled sarcastically at him, suddenly the train let out a loud whistling noise.

"You two should get on the train," said Narcissa, "Goodbye Draco!" she said tearfully before turning to me, "Bye Raven."

"Goodbye, see you at half-term," I replied.

I picked up my trunk and without a second word walked swiftly to the train.

I found an empty carriage and flopped down onto the empty cushioned seat, kicking the trunk under the seat. A few moments later the carriage door swung open, Draco walked inside and sat down opposite to me.

"You okay?" he asked me.

"Yeah," I sighed, "Just... Worried."

"It will be fine. We'll both get into Slytherin, make good respectable friends and do well. Yeah?" he said comfortingly.

We both sat in silence, waiting for the train to start moving until I heard Draco mutter under his breath, "Death bird."

"Albino dragon," I replied.

We both smirked at each other, then the carriage door smashed open and Crabbe and Goyle came stomping in. Draco quickly adjusted his posture to a lazy sloping position, he put a scowl on his face and stared at Crabbe and Goyle.

"Sit down then!" he commanded, "Ugh, I can't believe we're going to Hogwarts, my father wanted me to go to Durmstrang but mother insisted I come here..."

I rolled my eyes and reached down into my trunk, pulling out a book on duelling knowing that he will probably be ranting for the next half an hour. Three hours later, I was still engrossed in my book, it was so interesting.

"Hey! What are you reading?" said Crabbe suddenly grabbing my book.

"Give it back!" I shouted trying to jump up at to reach the book he was holding out of my reach.

I drew my wand out of my pocket, it was acacia with phoenix feather core 13 3/4 inches, the wand felt so natural in my hand.

"Accio book!" I cried waving my wand. The book came floating back into my outreached hand, "Now try that again and you'll see what happens to you!" I said threateningly, curling back into my corner next to the window.

Soon the sky slowly turned black, shining stars stood out in the night sky, the moon was full against the velvet sky. The clacking of the wheels against the rails slowed down until coming to a complete stop. I finally looked up, we were here, we were at Hogwarts. 


The four of us stood up and collected our trunks before Goyle once again smashed the door open, I cringed as other students turned to look at us, I really didn't need to draw any attention to myself. Lowering my head, I walked a few paces back from Draco and his two followers, so I was near them but not close enough to be part of them. As we got outside the night air struck me like a slap, I shivered slightly until I heard a voice yelling "First yers! First years over here!" 

I followed the sound of the person's voice until running into a group of first years all-around an enormous man, he loomed over everyone else, standing at least 8 foot in length, he had a big bushy beard and dark eyes that twinkled like beetles. 

"Right! Everyone seems 'ere, my name is Rubeus Hagrid, the groundskeeper at 'Hogwarts, now follow me," Hagrid yelled. 

The small group followed the giant slightly behind him, like small ducklings, everyone was running slightly to keep up with his long strides, soon we reached a lake, it was sparkling in the moonlight, its small ripples shimmering in the night. But that wasn't the best part of it, the castle stood up proud in the horizon, it was grand with tall towers and lights spilling out of windows, that magnificent place would be my home for the next seven years. 

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