A Fairytale That Could Never Be

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The room— or really, hall— was packed to the brim with people in constant motion. Bright flashes of color danced about before Jacin, capturing his artist's eye with all the hues and shadows. It was a scene that screamed to be scratched down upon paper with the crystal chandeliers and simplistically fancy people who wore their best, even if it was the worst from the wealthy's standpoint.

Jacin glanced down from the scene to look at his hand, still grasped tightly by Winter's fingers. They were somewhat clammy, either from nerves or the heat of the room Jacin wasn't entirely sure. But it still felt nice— her gentle touch.

He wasn't sure what had driven Winter to grasp his hand and why he'd let her; she was a woman engaged to a man far more powerful than he, but Jacin couldn't seem to draw himself away from her. Even as Aimery had thrown insults at him, and Levana had laughed, Jacin had hardly noticed the torment because there she was.

She held that sort of beauty that tortured an artist's eye. She was all dark curly hair and ebony skin and big, brown eyes flecked with bits of silver if one got close enough to look. Then there were the three tear-like scars that traced down her cheek and made one want to do nothing more than stare at her for the entirety of the day. But it was more than her physical appearance that made her beautiful— it was also in the way she laughed and spoke softly with the ones she loved. It was the soft curve of her mouth as she had stolen his cake away from him, and the way she closed her eyes as if in a dream as she tasted the rich chocolate.

Jacin turned his gaze upon Winter's face and found her studying him. Her eyes held a look that he couldn't understand— something so wanting and agonizing. It was an emotion he knew, though not on the same torturous level that she displayed.

Kai and Cinder led them into the chaos surrounding them, hand-in-hand and laughing as they stumbled amongst the crushing mass of bodies. Winter quirked an eyebrow at Jacin; he grinned and pulled her along.

Music rang in through the form of trilling horns, the strings of bass and guitar, and drums beating rapidly, much akin to a heartbeat. A voice sang over all the instruments, depicting a melody filled with passion and describing a most painful love affair. It was lustful enough to make one's grandmother blush.

Bodies tossed every which way as dance moves grew more and more fastidious and complex. There were women being twirled, allowing their multi-color skirts to fly in tones not of jewels like the rich, but of outrageously bright shades of orange and yellow and magenta. The men surrounding weren't so colorful, but they were magnificent despite this in their best shirts and slacks with suspenders and unbuttoned collars to tie everything in.

They wandered to the edge of the room where a colossal man stood eating a sandwich whilst a short redhead sipped from a frothy cup. They were an odd pair, with him so tall and dark with startling green eyes, while she was all curly fire for hair, soft brown eyes and a curvy figure.

The red-haired girl exclaimed upon seeing them and rushed to wrap her arms around Kai, spilling a dribble of her drink down the back of his suit, though Kai did not seem to notice or care. Both excitedly yelled as they broke apart and the girl pulled Cinder into a tight hug. The large man solemnly shook Kai's hand, a slight smile upon his features as if he wasn't sure what the proper protocol was.

"It's so good to see you, Scar!" Cinder yelled over the hustle and bustle surrounding them. "I feel as if it's been ages. Have we really not seen one another since the wedding?"

"I'm afraid so," the girl yelled back, her voice surprising Jacin with it's french whine. "But perhaps we shall all see more of one another once we are all in the states."

"Scarlet," Kai gently touched the girl's elbow, turning her so her gaze fell upon Jacin and Winter. "I'd like for you to meet Cinder's dear cousin Winter Hayle and our new friend Jacin Clay."

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