Chapter 3

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💙Enemies or Lovers?: Chapter 3🦅

Kails POV
When I got in my room I slammed my door causing my picture frame falling and shattering. I looked at the picture and it was me and Kaden's gang when we went to the movies 2 summers ago. I missed the good old days, they were less complicated. I picked up the picture and sat on my bed. I heard knocking. Kails:"come in" the door opened revealing Dally and Ace. Kails:"oh hey guys" I wiped my tears and placed the picture down. Dally:"Kails I'm sorry about Steve" Kails:"It's okay.. hey I was the one who dared him to" Ace:"yeah but you aren't any of those things. You mean the world to me and the gangs. Your special and that's why we all love you" Kails:"except Steve" Dally:"man that's called tough love" Kails:"hmm I guess.." Ace:"take that makeup off and get ready we're gonna leave in a few" I nodded and I got up. I took off my makeup and changed into a baggy hoodie and ripped jeans. I got out and everyone looked at me, even Steve. Kails:"what..." Blade:"nothing your just not wearing your usual" I shrugged and got out the door. Everyone followed and we walked towards the Drive-In. Ace:"you okay?" Kails:"yeah why?" Ace:"well the hoodie..." Kails:"well like Steve said I'm fat so I decided to change my style up a bit" Ace:"fuck sakes. Kailey Wiley! you are beautiful just the way you are. Don't listen to that jerk. Don't change for anyone especially that fucking retard" I smiled at what he said. Kails:"thanks Ace" Ace:"hey it's no problem, that's what best friends are for right?" I nodded and he took my hand and we ran to the Drive-In. We all snuck in like usual. I sat down next to Ace and I was expecting Dally or Blade on the other side but it was the famous Randle. I rolled my eyes and looked at Ace. He just shrugged. I rolled my eyes and slid down my chair. Steve:"hey you might want to change your position so you won't cause your back to hurt" I sat up and looked at him weirdly. Since when does he care how I sit? Kails:"since when does the famous Mr. Randle care for how I sit" I looked at him. Steve:"well short stuff I don't want you getting any uglier" he smirked. Of course he had to insult me. I  just focused on the movie and Ignored anything he had to say. Steve:"pssst Wiley" I turned around. Kails:"what now" Steve:"you want anything? I'm getting popcorn and drinks" Kails:"no I'm fine, thanks" I wanted popcorn and water but I remembered what he said so I didn't get anything. Steve:"okay" he got up and left to grab stuff. Ace:"why didn't you take anything?" Kails:"I'm just not hungry or thirsty" he nodded and focused back on the screen. Time past and Steve gave everyone their stuff. Steve:"here" I looked at him and he had popcorn and water. It's like he read my mind. Kails:"wait- but I didn't ask for anything" Steve:"I know but I knew you wanted something" I took it and I just felt weird. Kails:"thanks Randle" Steve:"no problem Wiley" I turned my attention back to the screen and watched the movie.
~Time Skip/After The Movie~
The movie finished and we left. We saw a couple of Socs staring and passing by. We got back to our house and went in the living room. Ryker:"how bout you all stay over since it's already dark out" Pony:"please Darry" Darry:"fine but I'm going back home, goodnight guys" Soda:"night" Kails:"Randle you stayin?" Steve:"guess so" I nodded and I felt tired. Kails:"I'm gonna head up I'm tired" Blade:"okay, wait were is everyone gonna sleep?" Dally:"living room?" Ryker:"there ain't enough place. Kailey has an extra bed in her room 3 of you can go. One sleeps with her and the other 2 on the other bed." I rolled my eyes and nodded. Kails:"who's with me?" Ace:"me" Blade:"me" Steve:"I guess I'll go" my eyes widden and I looked at Ace and Blade. Kails:"thanks Ryker" Ryker:"yeah don't mention it" he smirked and I rolled my eyes. I walked in my room and changed quickly. I pulled out the bed under my bed and sat on my bed waiting for them. Steve came in first. Kails:hey..." Steve:"hey.." Ace and Blade soon came in. Thank god! Ace ran towards me and he jumped on me. Kails:"Ace!" I giggled and he rolled on the other side of my bed. Ace:"sorry I just had to" he said with a smile. Blade:"you two got some shit goin on" Kails:"no shut the hell up" Ace:"seriously" I turned off my lights and laid back down. Blade:"night" Steve:"night" Ace:"night. I love you Kails" he kissed my cheek and closed his eyes. Kails:"I love you too. Gnight guys" It has been a few hours and I couldn't sleep. Kails:"Ace..." I whispered but no answer. Steve:"I thought that I was the only one still awake" I smiled. Kails:"no I can't sleep" Steve:"same, do you have a reason?" I sighed. Kails:"yeah..." Steve:"what's on your little brain" I giggled and turned to face him. He was already looking at me. I felt my cheeks get a bright red but thank god it was dark. Kails:"Randle I have a bigger brain than you" he chuckled. Steve:"I guess your right Wiley. By the looks of how you can fix cars I think you do have a bigger one" I smiled but soon stoped remembering what he told me. Steve:"hey what happened to that little smile?" Kails:"Steve... why are you being nice to me" Steve:"I see we are using my name. And to answer your question I don't know. I just feel like it" Kails:"okay so you insult me cuz you feel like it same thing with being nice. That's cool" Steve:"It's not like that Wiley" Kails:"I have a fucking name Randle. Goodnight" I turned to my side facing Ace and I closed my eyes hugging him. Steve:"please Wiley" Kails:"No"

Word Count: 1001

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