Chapter 16

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💙Enemies or Lovers?: Chapter 16🦅

Steve POV
I woke up with a huge headache I knew that I had a hangover. I went in the bathroom and I saw some bruises all over my face and body. I remembered everything about last night. FUCK! no! I messed up big time. Dally and Ace beat the shit outta me. I messed up with Kailey. I never meant to do this to her, I was drunk and Sylvia had bought me so many drinks. And I remembered that she put something in my drink... Shit! they won't believe me if I don't have proof. I got dressed and ran downstairs to go see Buck. Steve:"Buck did Sylvia leave some type of pill or something?" Buck:"she did that to you too? but yeah she just left with her clothes not her purse so you can look if she left some in there" I nodded and saw her purse on the table. I opened it and dumped it on the table. I saw loads of pills. I brought everything and ran to the DX cuz I knew Soda and Kailey worked today. I saw Kails in the front talking with Soda and Gabriel. I ran inside and threw Sylvia's purse on the counter. kails:"really a "sorry for cheating gift" no thanks Steve" Steve:"No listen this is Sylvia's purse! she put something in my drink last night. If I knew better I wouldn't of accepted her drinks. Please Kailey believe me" Gabriel:"don't you think that you've hurt her enough?" Dally:"what the hell is he doing here?" Kails:"he brought "Sylvia's purse" cuz she apparently "put something" in his drink" Dally:"wait let me see I dated her for 4 years I know her pretty well" Dally walked up and looked at the purse. Dally:"it is her purse" he picked it up and dumped it all over the counter. Dally:"looks like she used her famous trick to get in your pants. That's how she cheated on me back when I was in the cooler. Kails he's saying the truth she did this so many times" Kails:"even if this is true I'm not ready to forgive you" Steve:"you don't have to, not ever I just wanted to tell you the truth and I never meant to hurt you like this I swear on my grave that I never meant anything and I love you more than anyone in this whole entire world. I have to go pack my stuff up and go back home with my dad. I'll see you guys tomorrow" I walked out of the DX and went to Kailey's house to pack my things. I entered the house and thank god no one was here. I went into her room and started to throw stuff in a garbage bag. I was taking a break and looking through a photo album of the gangs together and some pictures of me and Kailey. Ryker:"leaving so soon?" Steve:"have to" he nodded and left. I put the album away and continued packing. I was mid packing when I heard someone walk into the room I looked up and there she was standing. The girl that I broke. Steve:"I'm almsot done I'll leave soon" Kails:"Steve" I looked up at her and she looked like she was about to cry. Kails:"Steve Randle stop" Steve:"stop what? Kailey use your words" Kails:"stop packing your things your not going anywhere" Steve:"but I have to. I can't stand here seeing the girl I love who I broke" Kails:"it wasn't your fault it was the stupid game that Sylvia played.. I don't want you to go" Steve:"why? I hurt you" Kails:"because I love you. I never stopped it's impossible to not love you. We can try to fix things please I need you" Steve:"my dad is waiting for me..." Kails:"Steve don't. Please" she started crying. It broke my heart so I took her in my arms. Kails:"please. He's just gonna end up trying to kill you I don't want to loose someone who I love the most" Steve:"fine... I'll stay" Kails:"really!?" Steve:"yes. How can I say no to you. I'm sorry" Kails:"just shut up" I smiled and kissed her. Gabriel:"wow that was quick" Ace:"sure was" Dally:"too soon but wtv" Kails:"guys let me live and love" Steve:"yeah even if I hurt her she still loves me so let her be" they laughed and I just hugged her tighter. Steve:"thanks for forgiving me" Kails:"I could never not forgive you. Your my world" Steve:"I love you so damn much" Kails:"I love you more"

Word Count: 752

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