Chapter 14

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💙Enemies or Lovers?: Chapter 14🦅

Kails POV
I woke up on the couch and saw that everyone fell asleep in the living room. We decided to watch movies and have a sleep over last night. I decided to get up and make breakfast for everyone. I was cooking bacon, eggs, toast and I couldn't forget to make the cake for the guys. I was busy humming songs while cooking that I didn't even notice Gabriel sitting at the table looking at me laughing. I looked down embarrassed and he started laughing again. Gabriel:"you don't have to be embarrassed I've known you for years and you haven't changed" Kails:"I did" Gabriel:"okay yeah maybe a little but your personality didn't change one bit" he said with a smile plastered on his face. Kails:"oh shut up Gabriel" Steve:"morning" Kails:"Morning babe" Gabriel:"morning" Steve:"how did you guys sleep" Kails:"meh my neck hurts a little" Gabriel:"I slept fine" Steve:"that's good, so what's for breakfast?" Kails:"oh god Steve wait" I started laughing he was always really hungry. Soon the gangs slowly started to wake up. Kails:"morning sleepy heads" Dally:"morning sweets" Kails:"morning tough guy" I finished the food and placed some on everyone's plates. Kails:"Pony, Johnny did you guys do your homework for tomorrow?" Johnny:"I didn't" Pony:"No... don't kill me Darry" I saw Darry starting to get mad. Kails:"Dare I'll help them with their homework later" he nodded and calmed down. Kails:"what's the homework?" Johnny:"I have history" Kails:"before I dropped out I did 84% on the history tests so I'm not too bad" Pony:"I have math" Kails:"math isn't easy but I'll try to help you" he nodded and we ate our breakfast. Ryker:"what are you kids doing today?" Dally:"I'm gonna go hunt some action" Kails:"I gotta help these kiddos with their homework" Darry:"I have to take someone's shift at work later" Soda:"gonna go see Sandy" Steve:"I honestly don't know what I'm gonna do" Ace:"I'm staying here and watching Tv" Twobit:"same" Blade:"me and Kaden need to go do stuff" Racer:"I gotta go to a drag race" Ryker:"you kids are busy today" Kails:"I guess we are" Ryker:"I have some business to take care of with the boys" Kails:"Blade, Kaden be careful" Kaden:"don't worry about us we'll be fine" I sighed and sat down next to Steve. Steve:"hey they'll be fine" I nodded and cuddled with him. Kaden:"we gotta go cya guys later" Kails:"bye" they all left and it was just me, Steve, Ace, Two, Gabriel, Pony and Johnny left in the house. Ace:"what's the plan" Kails:"don't know but before we do anything I have to help them with their homework" Gabriel:"we could go to the drive in tonight" Steve:"I'm going at bucks with two" Kails:"sure" Pony:"I'll have to be back home before 11 cuz Darry might kill me" Johnny:"I'll go" Twobit:"I'm going to a party" Kails:"Steve-" Steve:"no you can't tell me what to do or not do. You can't tell me where to go or not go, your not my boss just my girlfriend" Kails:"I know.. nevermind" Ace:"I'll join you and the guys at the drive in" I nodded. I was worried about Steve going to a party. But I shouldn't be worrying cuz he won't do anything right..? Kails:"okay Johnny, Pony let's do homework" they sighed but listened. They came back and sat down at the table with me. Kails:"what seems to be the problem Johnny" Johnny:"we just learned about the English revolution and I'm a little mixed up with this" he showed me his homework and I remembered doing it at school. Kails:"let me explain it's not that hard" he nodded and I began to explain to him the homework and more about the English revolution. He finally got the hang of it and started working on his homework. Kails:"Pony now it's your turn" Pony:"I don't understand this" I looked at his homework and it was the Pythagorean theorem which I didn't pass back in school. Kails:"this is the Pythagorean theorem, I never understood it which means I failed that part of math. I'm sorry Pone" Gabriel:"wait I'm good in math I can help you" Pony:"really?" Gabriel:"yeah let me show you and easy way to resolve the problems" Gabriel ended up helping Pony with his math and Johnny finished his history homework.
~Time Skip~
It was a few hours later and we were getting ready for the drive in. Dally decided to come along. Twobit:"let's go Steve we got a party to go to" Steve:"I'm coming" Kails:"Steve be-" Steve:"I'll be fine okay?" he kissed my cheek. Steve:"I love you I'll see you later" Kails:"okay.. I love you too" he walked out with Twobit and we left to go to the drive in. Ace:"hey Kails. Steve is a grown man he ain't gonna do anything" Kails:"I know but I just worry" Gabriel:"we know you worry about a lot" Kails:"shut up" I said laughing. Gabriel and Ace grabbed my hands and we ran to the drive in. We couldn't stop laughing. Since Dally was here we snuck in. Kails:"Dallas Winston you make us to illegal things" Dally:"I know and I'm proud" he said with his dumb smirk. We decided to go buy snacks and drinks before sitting down. We where about 20 minutes into the movie and I heard a few girls giggling. I looked around and the guys were still here. I shrugged and tried to focus on the movie. Girl1:"did you see her with that guy back at Bucks?" Girl:"yeah they were having a lot of fun" I grew anxious hearing them. Dally:"what's wrong?" Kails:"those girls are talking about a guy and a girl back at Bucks having fun...." Dally:"I'm sure it's nothing" Girl3:"what was her name... Sylvia something" Girl1:"yeah and the guy was something Randle" My eyes widen and so did Dal's. Dally:"what the fuck" Gabriel:"what?" Dally:"those 3 girls said Sylvia something and something Randle were fucking at the party!" I saw Dally get angry. I was just shocked I couldn't feel anything I felt numb...

Word Count: 989

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