three; i'm here

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three; i'm here

three; i'm here

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JULIE STARES AT Saf in complete shock, unsure as to whether or not she was actually here or Julie was definitely losing her mind. She already saw three ghosts, perhaps her mind was well and truly gone.

"Hey, Julie." Saf says, warmly, not wanting to frighten the girl a second time.

Julie looks at Luke, then back at Saf, then back at Luke with shock.

"I really am crazy." She laughs, looking at the floor before turning around. Luke looks at Saf with fear, going to stop Julie from walking away.

"Julie, wait, please. I can explain." Saf calls after her, stepping up onto the stone steps in a bid to get her to wait.

Julie looks back at Luke, who motions for her to talk to her sister, and finally she looks back at Saf.

"I really am here. I have been for two years." She tells her slowly, attempting to step lightly around the subject.

Julie stares at her in shock, and her eyes widen as she remembers the first time she ever saw her.

"That really was you in the studio?" She asks, and Saf nods her head sadly, looking down at the floor.

"Yeah. And I'm so sorry for scaring you. That was the last thing I wanted." Saf takes a step towards Julie, and the younger girl watches her with caution.

"Look, I hid from you ever since that day, because I didn't want a repeat. I spent two years hiding." Saf continues, looking at Luke for reassurance.

"You've been here the whole time?" Julie asks quietly, looking at the floor.

"The whole two years." Her eyes brim with tears as she thinks back to the last two years and everything that happened.

Julie stares at her, tears in her own eyes as she realises that Saf was there for their mother's death, and she didn't even know. All this time, when Julie thought Saf would be with her mother, she was really here.

"You have no idea how much I wanted to tell you everything, Jules. About that night." Saf tells her, watching as tears fall from Julie's eyes, the girl wiping at her nose and looking away.

Luke looks at them both, empathy and pure sadness in his face. Alex and Reggie had now appeared next to the garage, watching the scene in front of them.

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