fourteen; a thiefs haunting

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fourteen; a thief's haunting


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TREVOR WILSON'S HOME was exactly how Saf remembered it to be; huge signed posters mounted along the walls, displayed records, guitars on show. It all screamed riches and fame. Only now, it all belonged to a thief.

And that broke her. All these years, she had looked up to Trevor Wilson, idolised him, adored his music. But only to find out he was a thief, and took everything from his band mates, his friends.

The boys were already inside when she arrived at the door, and she took no time at all in walking through and joining them.

It did feel strange, walking through uninvited, unseen, unheard, and dead. The last time she was here, she was picking Julie up, and had rang the doorbell with excitement at seeing Trevor.

He always had time for Saf, always gave her the time to shine and show what she had been working on, even from an early age. He nurtured her musical talent, inspired her to grow.

And now? That was all in the past. She died an emotional death, taking that talent with her, only to learn from his dead band mates that everything she loved about him had actually come from them.

He wasn't Trevor Wilson. He was Bobby, the rhythm guitarist, a thief, a bottom feeder. Saf's view of him has now been tainted, and it felt so good to be trespassing in his home, even if she was a ghost.

Saf walks past the kitchen and spots Luke walking amongst the many guitars, both electric and acoustic. He hops up the steps and looks at one of the framed guitars on the wall, scoffing at it before moving away and walking into the living room.

Reggie was too busy staring at everything from the stairs, gaping in amazement at the numerous paintings along the walls, the fancy candles, the dahlias sitting in the vase on the countertops.

Saf scoffs.


Alex walks the hallways, his eyes glued to the frames and the fancy objects dotted around. Bobby had so much money, he could afford useless things, like vases and trinkets that were for show.

"Bobby's house is ridiculous!" Alex exclaims. Saf ghosts over to the couch and sits down, sinking into the fluffy cushions and sighing in content.

"Amazing what money can buy, right?" She asks with sarcasm lacing her voice.

"Have you seen these platinum records?" Alex asks the boys, pointing at the number of them on the wall.

Reggie spins around, his jaw dropping with shock.

"Platinum?" He exclaims, looking in Alex's direction.

Saf sighs and shakes her head. Once upon a time, she was proud of 'Trevor Wilson' and his accomplishments. She idolised him, and found pride in the fact that her family was friends with such a famous musician. Funny how the tables had turned.

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