six; your power

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six; your power


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THE BOYS AND Saf had returned to the studio after the events in Julie's bedroom, each taking to a separate spot to relax and just chat like normal teenagers.

Teenagers that were dead.

Alex was relaxing behind the drums, twiddling his sticks in his hands, humming the same Sunset Curve song that had brought them here.

Reggie was chilling on the stool by the piano, his red guitar hanging around his neck as he strummed at the strings. Luckily, it wasn't connected to the amp, and they weren't causing a ruckus.

Luke was sat on the armchair by the coffee table, and Saf on the couch, both had their feet up as Luke showed her his lyrics journal, flicking through the pages and picking out his favourites.

He kept coming back to one song, reading the lyrics out over and over and again, adding the melody so Saf could hear the song properly.

"You must really like this song." She asks, leaning over and taking the journal from him, gazing at the lyrics in front of her.

"It's just got a killer melody. I worked really hard on it, and we never got the chance to record it." Luke tells her, leaning forwards on his knees and watching the girl as she skims over the lyrics, humming the same melody he had been.

"It's a shame. It's a really good song." Saf sighs, giving him back the journal with a small smile.

"Which one is that?" Alex calls over, looking over his drum set at the two ghosts.

"Bright." Luke calls back, leaning into the armchair and kicking his feet back up.

"I liked that one." Reggie exclaims, nodding his head and smiling in memory.

"It's going to waste. A song like that could sky rocket in the charts." Saf tells them all, the lyrics running wild in her mind.

And she meant every word. The song he had written was incredible. Luke was extremely talented in song-writing, and this song was a missed opportunity for them. It sucked that they died before they were able to record it.

She couldn't imagine how well that would have done back then. These guys could've been famous if it weren't for some tainted hot dogs.

Saf looks over and Luke grins.

"It would with the right vocals." He smirks, looking at her with wide eyes.

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