Single?-ShinKami-Streamer/Quirkless au-fluff

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Kaminari's P.O.V.
I started setting up my facecam for my Twitch livestream, I'm getting ready to livestream fall guys, and my boyfriend Shinsou is going to play with me. I finished setting up my cam right then Shincou came in with my favorite streaming snacks, peanut butter and chocolate dipped pretzels, sprite, Raisinets, and original Beef Jerky. My smile got wider as I ran over and jumped on him hugging him once he put them down, nearly falling over.
"You're the best babe!" I yelled as he regained balance and hugged me back.
"Only the best for my darling." He said with his normal sleep deprived voice. I giggled a little and let go of him before kissing his cheek.
"Are you ready to play fall guys?" I asked and he smiled.
"Of course I am!" He said in a half yell, he kissed my cheek and went to his streaming room to get everything set up, as I started my stream. I waited a few minutes for a few hundred people to get on before properly saying anything. Till I got a donation with a comment, it was seemingly a new viewer, probably my second stream he's seen.
'Hey hot stuff! You single?' The user name said Copycat656, I let out a small giggle upon reading the comment.
"Sorry Copycat, I'm a taken baby boy." I said the name laughing, then my beautiful boyfriend joined the discord chat.
"Hey Denks, how's the stream going?" He asked.
"Good, actually something really funny just happ-" I got another comment from him, and I read it silently in my head.
'Oh come on, they probably suck.' Copycat said, I bursted out laughing.
"Denks?" Shinsou asked.
"O-One second S-Shin..." I said through laughing and trying to catch my breath. "No actually he's the best! Really sweet and kind, he loves gaming with me, oh! And he just has the best cuddles!" I say.
"Who you talking to Denks?" Shinsou asks.
"Someone on my stream asked if I was single again." I said with a small shrug, though that was common, it was usually because they wanted to know how my relationship was going.
"Why..?" He asked suspiciously.
"Probably liked what he's seeing." I protested laughing.
"Baby, Darling... Please tell me your joking..."
"Babe, you know I love you and that I'm all yours." I say rolling my eyes and starting the game once Shinsou got in.
"User?" Shinsou asked, as we started on the first challenge.
"No Shin-" He cut me off.
"Love, please, the user?" He asked again and I rolled my eyes.
"Copycat656..." I said, ready for Shinsou to start yelling and saying that this man is probably some player and probably already has 5 dates.
"Monoma you prevert..."
"You know him?!?!?" I asked just getting over the line.
"I wish I didn't..." He answered as I waited for the round to be over, I took a chocolate covered pretzel plopped in my mouth.
"So... how long have you known him?" I asked as we started the next round. I heard Shinsou chuckle.
"Well freshman year, about five months before I met you darling." He spoke with focus in his voice.
"Oh? How come I never knew him?" I asked propping my feet up on a small ledge on my desk.
"Hmmm maybe because I didn't want him taking what I wanted." He said with a laugh, I laughed as I crossed the finish line.
"You do know I was dating Kiri at the time right? And after that it was Sero, come to think about it you didn't tell me your feelings till our first year of College-" My rant was then cut off.
"Before you dropped out." He laughed.
"Oh ha ha, anyways I dated other people before you said anything, did you really have a crush on me for that long?" I questioned, as the next game started, I heard him laugh.
"Maybeeee..." He stretched out the word and I started laughing. Another donation popped up with a comment, it was a different person this time 'LettuceHead' (reference to someone I hate with every bone in my body) I laughed slightly at the user.
'Hey baby boy~ Can I get a number?" They asked, I shook my head.
"Yep, it's 911." I laughed out.
"What did they ask..?" My beautiful sleepy prince asked,
"They asked for a numbe- NO!" I yelled as I lost in the last round. "Gosh darn it I was so close!" Shin laughed as he continued to play trying to get a win himself as I sat and watched.
"As you were saying?" He asked and I sighed and giggled.
"I said they asked for a number, so I gave them one!" I giggled and I heard him snarl. "Awwwww is someone jelly?" I asked and he scoffed.
"As if, you wouldn't just go to some low life! They're probably sitting in here looking for someone stupid enough to date them without ever meeting them! And I know for a fact your not that stupi- YES!" He yelled as he won the game, I simply rolled my eyes and got ready to go for another match.
"So... how long have you..." We continued to talk and answer questions and thanking people for donations, this went on for about 2 hours till I got a weird comment.
'Come on baby~ Dump this freak and come hang with me and my friends~' I didn't have time to read the user before the comment went away.
"Look whoever just sent that last one, the answer is no, and he's not a freak and I love him so shut up and leave my stream and stop simping over someone you'll never even get because I'm taken and happy with who I'm dating so BACK OFF!" I yelled the last part, throwing my controller on the table and getting up. "Goodbye everyone who can respect someone's privacy I'm ending my stream..." I turned off my stream but the discord was still going.
"Babe is there a p-" I ended the discord and started walking over to Shinsou's streaming room, halfway there I started sobbing and ran into the room swing the door open, his stream was still going and he was in the middle of a match but he put down his controller and looked at me. "Awww love... come here..." he said opening his arms, I walked over and sat in his lap, putting my face in the crook of his neck he hugged me.
"Keep playing... I just wanna sit here..." I whispered, he nodded and picked up the controller, continuing like nothing happened, or like I wasn't even there, which I didn't mind at all. I soon fell asleep, I didn't care how many people were on his stream, I didn't care how many people saw me, because I was cuddling him, and I felt safe, I felt happy.

1157 words!

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