Chapter 1

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OH MY. This is my first attempt at a story. :3 Don't even know if I'll finish it or not. But i'm gonna try my hardest! cx Uh. Try to enjoy? XD


So here I am again. Sitting alone. In my bedroom, playing my guitar, letting my voice slowly catch the rythym of the music enough to hum along with the notes. These are the times that I think the most. I think of how everyone considers me to be the biggest 'nobody' at Neuman High. I think mostly about.. her.

Her name, I'm not sure of yet. I see her day to day making her way gracefully through the halls. She makes High School seem like absolute bliss. I know I'm basically wasting my time. Someone as gorgeous as her would never go for someone like me. I'm just the ordinary, geeky ginger, Ed. Ed Sheeran.

Trust me, I've heard the rumors about gingers. I do have a soul. A very caring one as well.

As for this girl, she's absolutely astounding. She's perfect in every way. She's flawless. I feel like I know her so well, but that can't be possible because I don't know even know her name. If I wasn't such a coward to start a casual conversation with her, then maybe I could find out her name.. I'm too afraid. Afraid of a lot of things. Rejection is my number one reason.

*Next Morning*...

I rush to get to homeroom with only seconds to spare. When I reach the doorway, something catches the corner of my eye. It's her. This wonderful, beautiful, mysterious girl. I see something I don't like that much though.. She's with Bryan. The quarterback at Neuman High. It felt as if time had stopped right in front of my eyes. 'Just my luck', I thought to myself. I felt like bursting into tears, but the first bell interrupted my thoughts.

As I sat in homeroom, only one thing was on my mind. Her. And one other thing, how could she fancy him? I mean, it's Bryan. The guy known to use girls for one night to get one thing then toss them aside like some old toy or possession. As for me, I would never treat her that way. I would show her unconditional, endless love. I'd be the guy to ring her up at three in the morning just to tell her how much she means to me.

I pondered on these thoughts as I slowly drifted off onto my desk. I didn't realize this until I felt something touch my back. I reached my hand around to my back, still drowsy from recently waking up, and I find a piece of paper.. I read the paper knowingly. It read 'Kick Me'. Typical, I thought. I noticed something written near the bottom right of the paper. I could hardly make it out, the writing was small, and not very well written. I finally managed to make it out, it read 'Ed, I've seen the way you look at her. Cassie. She's mine. So I'm warning you now to back the fuck off before I have to get involved. She'll never want someone as worthless as you. No one in this entire school even knows your name, or who you are. It'd be best if you were just dead. Do the world a favor Ed. No one will notice anyway. -Bryan.'

I crumpled the paper in my hand as I stood up from my desk. I heard Mrs.Edwards mumble something. I completely ignored everything, and everyone. I walked out of the room. Stormed down the stairs and out of the school. I grabbed my bike, didn't bother with the helmet, and pedaled as fast as my legs could carry me.


Not paying much attention of where I'm going, I feel my bike hit something that causes my entire body to spring from the bike and onto the dirt and gravel. My book bag, and everything in it, tumbled to the ground. I slowly began to gather my things after I made sure I was okay. The first piece of paper I pick up is the crumpled note from Bryan. I get all of my angry and depressing, raging feelings back all over again.

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