Prologue// C1

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Harley is now 2 weeks old!
Casey and his family have been absolute stars with helping me out with all three of them, we've got our own little family.
Me and Casey are on our way to pick up Chetly and Tilley from school as they're both in reception.
Casey parks up and opens up the boot to get the pushchair out whilst I get Harley out and place him in and tuck a blanket, we are the youngest parents in the playground but that doesn't bother us as we love how things are going!
We stand by where the reception kids come out and see our two beautiful blonde children walk out hand in hand, Tilley immediately starts crying and crossing her arms in a strop, "What's up baby?" I ask crouching down, "I wanted uncle Chet to pick us up again" she grumps "We're going there now" I laugh causing her frown to form into a smile. I turn around to see Casey talking to all the mums as they stare at Harley;
"Case! Shall we go" I ask trying to not be rude, "Yeah, sure" he smiles, I grab the handles of the pushchair and hear my name being called, "Wait Miss Lloyed" I turn my gaze and see Tilley's teacher heading my way, "Sorry to bother you but we're concerned about Tilley" she smiles, by this point the playground was deserted with only us and Mrs Wooding sanding in it, "Why what's happened?" I frown "She keeps saying that her dad talks about drugs while being on the phone, in fact she asked me what cocaine was today" she smiles softly, "I can hands up tell you my boyfriend doesn't do anything like that and I have no idea where she's got that from" I frown "Well, I'm sorry Miss Lloyed but if we hear anything like that again we'll have to call social services" she frowns "There's no need for that because it's not true, now can my family and I go or is there something else you want to tell me?" I question getting slightly annoyed at her allegations "No, of course" she smiles, I huff and walk away with Casey who is texting on his phone, completely oblivious of what just happened.

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