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After the USJ incident, the school decided to give us a break from school to relieve stress from the fight. It was good since my body needed to recover. Using my quirk for too long has some side effects, such as a loss of energy for a certain period of time depending on how long I've used my quirk. Admittedly, all I could think about was Jiro. All day I was considering asking her out, but even with all the courage I've built up over the past months because of her, I couldn't bring myself to do it. Pathetic, I know. But being faced with rejection to me is the scariest thing since I was always had high expectations. Besides, she probably likes Yaomomo. I don't want to jeopardize our friendship and her chances of her being in a relationship with Yaomomo. I don't blame her though. Yaomomo is beautiful, talented, and smart while I'm just me. If I were Jiro, I'd take Yaomomo over me any day.

I heard a knock on the front door, distracting me from my thoughts. My parents weren't home "Coming!" I yelled as I checked the clock. 10:39 am. I opened the door to find Jiro on the other side.

"Hi (Y/N)!" Jiro greets me with a smile.

"H-hi Jiro! Weren't expecting you to show up. What brings you here?" I say as a blush creeps up on my face.

"Nothing really. I just wanted to hang out." Jiro replies, still smiling. "Where are your parents?"

"Oh. They're not home yet." I reply.

"Oh. Well ok."

"So, what did you want to do?" I ask Jiro.

"To be honest, I just wanna cuddle and watch movies." She says.

"Ok, any movies in mind?" I say

"Just whatever you wanna watch." She says

"Well ok," I say. 'This could be my chance! I just can't mess it up' I think to myself.

10 minutes later, we're both on the couch cuddling under a blanket watching Caroline. Something about the movie just clicks with me, especially since I had the love of my life cuddling me right this very second.

I sigh internally, reminding myself I would never be in a relationship with Jiro: she likes Yaomomo. I'm trying my best to move on but I can't seem to do it. God, love sucks. I shake my head, focusing my attention on the movie.

After the movie ends, I ask Jiro what she wants to do.

"(Y/N), I need to tell you something." Jiro blurts out.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Are you... Dating anyone right now?" Jiro asks, cautiously

"No, why?" You reply.

"Because Ilikeyouandithinkyou'rereallycoolandit'dbecoolifyou-" I cut her off with my lips on her's. Her lips are so soft, this feels like a dream. She kisses back. We break off for oxygen.

"You know, you're a really good kisser," I say to Jiro

"I know." Is all she replies with before our lips touch again.

I bolt upright in bed, realizing it was a dream. I check the clock: 8:23 am. Dammit, again? I keep having these dreams. Well, at least I have a day off to look forward to. I sigh as I get up, getting on with my normal routine.

I Never Realized Cuddles Were So Nice (Kyoka Jiro x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now