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"Jirou, (Y/N). I need help." Me and Kyo turn our heads towards the loud blonde in the doorway. We were in Kyoka's dorm doing homework and listening to music (I have to say, she really does have good taste).

"What do you want, sparky?" Kyo's sarcastic voice asks the literal phone charger.

"Let's say, hypothetically, I had a tiny little crush on a person with purple hair and very distinct eye-bags like he's never had even a blink of sleep that may or may not be in 1-C," He very suspiciously says. "How do I get him to like me?"

"Simple really," I tell him. "Just be the goofy, dumb, ball of sunshine you are. I mean, who doesn't love a goofy, dumb, ball of sunshine like you?"

"If I had to guess, probably him." He replies.

"Seriously, just be yourself," Kyo says. "You don't need to change over a fucking boy. That's stupid. Don't be stupid."

"But I don't like myself around him! He always makes me flustered and nervous, and I don't know how to act around him!" He tells us. "I've embarrassed myself in front of him more times than I can count!"

"Ok and?" Kyo responds. "You can't just make someone magically like you like that. If he truly does, then he'd still like you despite your idiotic and embarrassing moments. And to be honest, I'm pretty sure he does." I nod in agreement.

"Wait, what?" He sounds surprised, understandably so.

"Yeah. I've caught him stare at you any chance he gets. And very lovingly, according to my observations." I rest my head on my hand. He still doesn't seem convinced.

"I don't know about that..." He looks unsure.

"Trust me. He probably does," I say, yawning. I should probably go to sleep. "I'm going to sleep, it's almost midnight."

"Alright. Goodnight, my love." Kyo kisses my on my cheek as I get up, making me smile uncontrollably. I could see Kami in the corner of my eye, clearly jealous.

I lay down on Kyoka's bed, resting my head on the pillow that smells the most like her. As I pulled the covers over myself whole my consciousness slowly faded away, I could hear the muffled voices of the other two. They must still be talking about Kami and Shinsou. They would be a cute couple. At least, I would think so.


I woke up, a warm feeling overcoming my body. Kyoka, I thought. I recognized that warmth, it made me smile. I looked down at her, and I could see those little freckles on her face again. They were so cute on her. Then again, everything's cute on her, but shush.

I gently kissed her forehead, her warm skin against my lips felt like heaven. Nothing could ruin this moment, just me and her. Noth-

"JIROUUUU! (Y/NNNNNNN)!" There it is.

"Mmm... Babe, what time is it...?" I hear Kyo ask me, yawning. Fuck, her morning voice was hot.

"It's 7, just go back to sleep," I replied, which she just grumbled and rested her head back on my shoulder.

"I asked Shinsou if he wanted to go hang out and he agreed and now I don't know what to do please help me (Y/N) I'm desperate." Kami was talking so fast I could barely keep up.

"Hey, hey, hey, calm down," I interrupted him. "You guys doing anything specific or?"

"Nope. Just two dudes hanging out." He said, leaning against the wall.

I Never Realized Cuddles Were So Nice (Kyoka Jiro x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now