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The day of the field trip rolled around, and we were all excited, especially Mido-san since he finally gets to meet Thirteen.
"Hey (Y/N)!" I hear Jiro's voice. I turn to her.

"Hey! What's up?" I reply.

"You excited about the USJ?" Jiro asks.

"But of course! Why wouldn't I be?" I reply excitedly.

"Sheesh. I was just asking." Jiro says

"What about you? I'm sure you're not as excited as I am?" I say

"Not really. I'm not interested in rescue heroes and stuff like that. I just wanna kick villain butt!" She says, making me laugh.

"Whatever you say, Jiro," I say in a joking tone.

We get on the bus, and Jiro sits next to Yaomomo. I flinched at the sight. I sit next to Iida.

I space out, lost in thought, mainly about Jiro. I swear Aphrodite is just messing with me now. God, she's so hot. After about 5-10 minutes, Iida elbows me, interrupting my thoughts

"Hey (Y/N), Jiro keeps glancing at you." Iida says with a smirk. J never knew Iida, of all people, could act like this.

"So what? She's just glancing at me. It probably doesn't mean anything." I really hope it did though.

"Those glances don't seem like she's just glancing at you for no reason. It almost looks... Longing, for the lack of a better word." Iida says

I look at Jiro, who seems like she's talking Yaomomo.

"See? It's nothing." I say to Iida. I sigh internally.

"I don't think so," Iida mutters under his breath.

After a while, we arrive at the USJ. I leave the bus with the Dekusquad in pursuit and enter the building.

"Whoa," I say as I see the sheer size of the building. The others follow, each with their own reactions.

"Hello, I am Pro Hero Thirteen." Thirteen says, interrupting our thoughts. She explained who she was and what we were gonna be doing. Out of nowhere, a portal appears on the main grounds, and people exit out of the portal. A dark mist surrounds us not long after.

"What's happening?" I hear someone say.

I can barely see two feet in front of me because of the mist, and find a group of people. Jiro, Kaminari, and Yaomomo. They decide to make a break for it, and we manage to escape. We shortly realize that we are in a mountainous landscape. As we discuss what to do next, villains surround us out of nowhere.

"Just perfect," I mutter under my breath. I use my quirk to boost my strength, speed, and stamina to try and efficiently take down as many villains as I can. I've taken down about 10 in the first 30 seconds when I get surrounded. "HELP!" I shout out to the others, and Kaminari helps when he discharges his electricity into the surrounding area (after I get to a safe place, of course). It seems as if we're all safe until another villain sneaks up and takes Kaminari hostage. They don't notice me behind a rock, so I sneak up behind him and knock him out cold. Anger Issues checked up on us, and he knocks away a surviving villain trying to ambush. We all look out to the situation on the main battleground as we see Aizawa-sensei struggle against a muscular bird thing. That's about when All Might shows up, this time not smiling. He rushes into the fight while Kirishima, Anger Issues, and I do the same. Yaomomo and Jiro want to do the same, but we told them to get Kaminari to safety. Anger Issues targets the misty one first, while I try to get the one with the hand for a mask. I boost my speed and stamina, weaving through the man's attacks, before striking him in his ribs, boosting my strength right before I striked. He was knocked away by my blow before getting up and scratching his neck furiously. He was muttering under his breath, so I couldn't hear, but I realized that right behind me, All Might had blasted the bird thing out of the USJ to who knows where. We all decided to retreat, as we assumed All Might could take care of himself, but Mido-san stayed. We didn't know why, and we kept pestering him to follow, but he stayed. He jumped into the fight right when the hand guy attacked All Might. It looked like he was about to disintegrate, but help arrived just in time, and they cleaned up the situation. I saw Jiro and Yaomomo at the top of the stairs watching. I approached them after the fight.

"(Y/N)! Are you hurt?" Jiro asked.

"Aside from being sore, not really," I answer, hearing a relieved sigh from Jiro.

"I was so scared for you the whole fight. Judging by that guy's quirk, he could've easily killed you." Jiro says, hugging me.

"Oh ho ho, so you were worried about me? How flattering." I say as Jiro's face flushes.

"Oh, shut up," Jiro says.

I Never Realized Cuddles Were So Nice (Kyoka Jiro x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now