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Jiro and I are cuddling under a blanket watching a movie. It's been a few days since I "confessed." Jiro keeps teasing me about it, and everyone thinks we're dating. I'm not saying we aren't but we don't want anyone else knowing, especially when I'm in the same class as Mina.

About 20 minutes into the movie, I get the feeling of unease. Like someone is watching us. I check all the windows around me. Nothing. 'Must've been my imagination.' I thought to myself. A few minutes later, I get that same feeling, this time it's more prevalent. I check the windows again. Nothing. "What's wrong babe?" Jiro asks me. "Nothing. It just feels like someone's watching us." I reply.

As we continue to watch the movie, I keep feeling that someone is watching us. It has gotten to the point where I can't even enjoy the movie anymore.

"Hey, Kyo?" I say. She hums in response. "Wanna go up to my room?" I ask.

"Oh really? For what?" She says in a joking tone, eyebrows raised, indicating, you know. I felt a blush creep up onto my face.

"I-i didn't mean it that way!!" I answer truthfully. Jiro laughs.

"You're so cute when you're flustered, (Y/N)." She says. "I know," I remark

We head up to my room and almost immediately the feeling of unease is gone. 'Good, now I can enjoy Kyo's company without feeling like someone's watching me.' I think to myself.

"So, what did you really want to do up here?" Jiro asks. "Cuddles?"


We cuddle under the blanket for who knows how long before I hear Jiro fall asleep. I admire how she looks while she sleeps. 'I never realized Kyo had freckles. Crap, she looks so cute with freckles.'

"What did I do to deserve you?" I whisper as a fall into a slumber of my own.


"Shhh! We gotta keep quiet, or someone will hear us!" Mina whisper-shouts to Hagakure, Uraraka, and Yaoyorozu. "Sorry!" Hagakure whisper-shouts back. The 4, through means of "parkour", manages to reach (Y/N)'s bedroom window. They all saw (Y/N) and Jiro sleeping. " Awww, how cute!" Yaoyorozu whispers to the others. Mina and Hagakure were taking pictures and sending them to the group chat, while Uraraka and Yaoyorozu were talking about the scene. Apparently, they made too much noise, because they saw (Y/N) open her eyelids in time to find Mina, Hagakure, Uraraka, and Yaoyorozu spying on them. She gently gets out of bed as to not wake Jiro and approaches the window. The 4 are still there since they're on the second story. (Y/N) opens the window.

"What are you guys doing? And how did you get up here?" (Y/N) asks the 4

"Because we suspected you and Jiro were dating, and so we decided to find out for ourselves," Mina replies.

"Don't you dare tell anyone about this." (Y/N) threatens the 4.

"Too late. Mina and I took pictures and we already sent them to the group chat." Hagakure admits.

I check the group chat. They did. The whole group chat is talking about it. I sigh.

"Babe?" (Y/N) hears Jiro call out for her. "What's happening?"

"Oh nothing, it's just that these 4 were spying on us." I move aside to reveal the 4 at the bedroom window.

Jiro's face flushes at the sight of them. "I-it's not what it looks like!" Jiro manages to stutter out.

"They saw everything. There's no use. They also sent pictures of us to the group chat. Now everyone knows for sure." (Y/N) says, glaring daggers at the 4.

"We're just gonna..." Uraraka says before all 4 of them disappear.

I sigh. "Those 4 are a handful," (Y/N) says.

"Wanna make out?" Jiro asks.

"Yes!" (Y/N) replies enthusiastically.

I Never Realized Cuddles Were So Nice (Kyoka Jiro x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now