Chapter 7: Finding villages.

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Art by King ani

"We need to find civilization. That's the only way we'll get more apparatus and stuff. There has to be some sorta village somewhere that outside this forest" techno says, looking at dream and Schlatt. Schlatt sighs, "you expect me to join you on this little mission? Also, use normal words please. I'm the sit back and watch guy, cmon! I'll just be here for comedic effect." He says doing jazz hands, then running a hand over his horn before putting it down with his other one.

"Then come on this journey for comedic effect. I'm not gonna let you be useless schlatt." Dream says, glaring schlatt practically in the soul. Schlatt nods his head. "Alright, alright, I'll join. Could we bring Wilbur, I don't really want him to join, but I'm sure he could use his guitar to tame some animal to get us around faster." Schlatt suggest, gesturing to where Wilbur's room is. Techno nods and walks to the room.

He knocks on the door. "Hey Wilbur! Schlatt, dream, and I are goin on an expedition. It's best for you to join us as well, so you're accompanying us." Wilbur opens the door. "What? Why is it important that I join you guys?" He lays back on his bed. "the whole bard thing, ya know. you can help us get a method of transportation." techno answers. Wilbur sighs and stands up. he grabs his guitar and without a word walks out of the room.

Techno face palms then follows him back to his friends in the living room. "he's joining us." techno says, reaching up and patting Wilbur's head. "Wilbur, you know what's being requested. get and tame some animals for us. that's practically all that's needed right now." techno and the rest walk outside. Wilbur pulls his guitar from the sling on his back and starts to play.

Techno's POV:

what is he playing? Isn't his guitar supposed to glow or somethin- my thought is cut short as I recognize what it is that he's playing. It seems both dream and Schlatt has noticed as well. that dude.. he did not. "YOU DID NOT JUST RICK ROLL US!" Schlatt shouts angrily, smacking wilbur's guitar out of his hand. "Woah! hey, we need that! Jeez stop being so sensitive to the fact you just got fuckin' rick rolled." Wilbur says, a prideful smirk on his dumb face as he picks his guitar back up.

He starts to play again, his guitar glowing like I presumed it was supposed to. He plays for a while before a few animals walk over. "oh hell yeah! I'm riding the unicorn, fuck you guys!" Dream says as he hops on top of a unicorn that had trotted over. The unicorn doesn't buck him off, I smile and jump onto a skeleton horse. "I always wondered how it'd be to ride a skeleton horse. " I say, running my fingers along the bones. "it's weird. definitely weird, but cool. this one is mine." I pat the horses head, it leaning into the pats. This is my horse for sure.

I watch Schlatt hops onto a black horse. "Ya'll can't ever be normal, can you? Can't even ride a normal horse. have to have a unicorn and.. whatever bone horse thing that is." he runs his fingers through the horses silky mane. dream laughs. "you're just upset that we get the cool horses~" dream teases in response to Schlatt's salty comment. "yeah, you and your laaaame horse!" I add on, laughing with dream.

Schlatt rolls his eyes. Wilbur get's on top of his.. did he get himself a giant bird and leave us with horses?!"oh that's unfair!" I comment, looking up at him on his honestly really cool bird. It's feathers are the colors of fire, styling bright blue eyes. I'm honestly jealous. He laughs and flies upward, holding onto the bird. "oh, I'm sorry? You want a bird? I figured you just wanted a mode of transportation, just a few animals?" he says. Dream scoffs and says. "Whatever, since you have the bird you're leading the way. Tell us which way the forest seems to clear, or don't really, just lead us there."

Wilbur nods and starts flying off in a random direction, or at least it seems random to me. Me and the other horse bound people follow him on our variety of horses. It's actually pretty fun. I feel like I've done this so many times before even though before I was here. I don't think I ever rode a horse besides at those fairs and festivals.

I smile, feeling the fresh air on my face, the wind blowing my pink hair back. I can tell the other guys are enjoying the traveling by the smiles on their faces and the happy "woo!" that I hear coming from Schlatt. We continue to ride for what doesn't feel that long, arriving at a clearing.

"Tada, we found a way out of the forest. And not only that, we found a village!" He says as he glides down to us on his bird. He points to a village in the distance. "oh, nice! Techno, there's the civilization ya wanted to find." dream says, staring at the village. "Well, there's no time to waste.. progression waits for no man" I shout and start to go there, riding on my horse.

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