Chapter 3

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 Hinata's POV

 The next day I woke up to Noya's soothing voice saying "Shoyo wake up practice is in one hour~". My eyes opened to see Noya smiling oh how I love it when he smiles! (yes your smile is that cute......AWWWW thanks babe you're so sweet!) I got up and and went downstairs to cook some breakfast for everyone when I saw Noya come downstairs s-shirtless he w-was s-so hawt with his muscles and abbs I'm like OMG HE IS TOO HAWT!! (yes you're that hot that I got a nosebleed describing it anyway back to the story!) Noya came up behind me and hugged me and whispered "Hi sunshine~". I blushed and then he kissed me I wrapped my arms around his neck and got so close I could feel his abbs. "What smells so goo-" I heard my sister asking the question but was cut off by the sight of Noya and I having a make-out session. "Really Shoyo!? This is the second time but i-its so cute!" I heard my sister say then I break the kiss and go back to cooking the pancakes and bacon. A few minutes later I serve breakfast and Natsu was excited because my cooking is amazing UwU. (Thank you babe I knew you loved my cooking!) "So Natsu since mom is on a business trip you need to come to practice with me today" I say while finishing my breakfast. "YAY I CAN'T WAIT TO MEET SUGA!!! I also want to call out that meanie that is mean to you and kick him where it hurts!" Natsu yelled I was about to tell her no but Noya was being Noya but more "YOU AND ME BOTH!!" "NO no hurting people!" I scolded. They looked down. "Physically" I added. They cheered and hugged me and went to get ready. I followed Noya and saw him get dressed. "N-nice" I stuttered and got a nose bleed. I also got dressed and I heard him say "W-wow" I blushed really hard when he said that. "S-shut up!" I mumbled. When we finished getting ready we went to the gym to practice. Mom was the first greet me since he saw my little sister. "YOU'RE SO CUTE!!" he shouted and Natsu giggled. "How's the happy couple?" Tanaka teased or tried. "Amazing" I said while Noya kissed my cheek. "Now WHERE'S THE MEANIE THAT PICKS ON MY BROTHER!?" Kageyama walked over to my sister and looked down at her. "I am" he said so confidently but he had no idea what he got himself into. "YOU MEANIE WHY DO YOU PICK ON HIM!? HE IS THE BEST BIG BROTHER EVER SO WHY DO YOU PICK ON HIM!?" Kageyama didn't say a word instead he just pushed he out of the way but he pushed her hard so she hit her knee and was on the verge of crying. Natsu went to me and cried I handed her to mom and stood up. I had it. "TOBIO KAGEYAMA YOU FUCKER!!" I screamed fueled with anger. The room went silent. "What Boke you dumbass?" he said with a hint of fear. "YOU JUST HURT MY LITTLE SISTER!!" I was angry. "so?" he questioned. "So? SO!? YOU MOTHER FUCKER HURT A CHILD!! HOW ARE YOU SO HEARTLESS!? YOU MOTHERFUCKING BITCH!!" I yelled "it's just a child let it go dumbass" he said it so casully. "Just a child? JUST A CHILD!? THAT CHILD IS MY LITTLE SISTER I WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR HER I WOULD DIE JUST SO SHE CAN SMILE!!! SO YOU MUST HAVE WAY TOO MUCH CONFIDENCE TO FACE ME AFTER HURTING HER!!! Let me tell you a story last year a 15 year old girl punched her in the stomach and SHE WAS PUT IN THE HOSPITLE THE WEEK AFTER!" I exposed a secret but it was worth it. "All I have to do is call some favors and the same thing will happen to you Kageyama." I finally calmed down and took my sister back from Suga and comforted her. After that I felt my chest get lighter. After practice Noya came over and kissed my cheek but when he pulled away I grabbed his shirt coller and kissed him. I felt amazing after yelling at Kageyama and I thought I could do anything.

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