Chapter 4

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Noya's POV

 Okay so it's finally my turn YES! Anyway so I walked Noya and his sister home and stayed over because Natsu really liked having me over and I was flattered. "Noya wanna watch a movie I promise Natsu won't bother us!" Shoyo said relieved but I found the fact that Natsu wanted to hang with her big brother sweet. Shoyo put on a movie and got some snacks and a blanket. "Time to begin our movie date!" he said it pretty excitedly. (Oh I didn' bad) It turns out I forgot to say this was a date but it wasn't the original plan :(. Anyway we watched a romantic movie too romantic and since Shoyo was on my shoulder I covered his eyes. Next we watched a scary movie. When the killer cut off someone's head shoyo pulled the blanket over his face and came closer to me. I put my arm around him and kissed his cheek. I could see the blush on his face. I laughed and we cuddled for the rest of the movie then we went to sleep in his bed. (You are really cute even when your sleeping.......t-thanks///////) 

In the Morning

 I woke up with Shoyo snuggled into my chest god why is he so cute!? "Wake up Sho" I said in a soothing voice. "Mmmmm" he groaned so he didn't want to get up honestly I didn't either T-T. "Wake up sunshine~" I said he just blushed. A few minutes later he finally got up and went downstairs and we saw his mom "Hi mom" Shoyo said and his mother greeted him back. When she saw me shirtless she said teasiling "Wow Shoyo you got yourself a handsome one huh!?" to our surprise Shoyo said this; "He's not handsome" my heart hurt "He's Hot!" I blushed quit a bit.

After breakfast and one their way to practice

 "Hey sunshine wanna get some ice-cream?" he blushed when I called him sunshine "We still have some time!" "Fine!" I grabbed his hand and rushed to an ice-cream stand. "Wait I'll hold your hand and I will run" then he speed off while holding my hand. When we got our ice-cream we sat on a bench when he finished his he had ice-cream all around his face. My face was clean UwU. "Hey you got ice-cream all over your face" I said he blushed in embarrassment "REALLY" he stood up a started to run but I grabbed his wrist and started to lick to ice-cream off his face. "COME ON SHOYO WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!!" I grabbed his hand a started to run. 

At practice

 "Sorry we're late Suga and Daichi we stopped to get ice-cream!" I yelled a soon we went through the door. "Calm down we'll let off the hook once you tell us wh-" Suga was interupted by Tanaka "WHAT'S UP UP WITH HINATA!?" "I don't know" I said but I really did know what I did. "Hinata sweetie what happened?" Suga said in a soothing voice. "N-Noya licked my face" he stuttered. "Do you know why?" that's when I knew Suga's mom mode was on. "I had ice-cream all over my face so he licked in off" Shoyo answered and at moment that's when I knew I fucked up. "Noya run" Tanaka whispered. I took his advice and started to run Suga chased me and said; "Don't touch my baby!" Daichi finally calmed Suga down and Shoyo was fixed! He skipped over to me kissed my cheek but before he could skip away I grabbed him and pulled him to give him a kiss. I grabbed his waist and he put his arms around my neck. I could hear Suga trying to murder me but Daichi held him back. "I love you sunshine~" I whispered when we broke the kiss. Shoyo giggled and whispered "I love you to babe~".

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