Chapter 5

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 Hinata's POV

 After practice I noticed something. "Uh babe since when did you have an orange streak in your hair?" I asked and he looked at me confused. "What do you mean?" he asked "When did you have a blond streak?" I looked at him confused we went to the bathroom and saw that we had the streaks. "WHAT!?" we screamed in unison and everyone came rushing in. They just stared at us. "Hold on." Suga ran out the bathroom and took out a book. "AH HA!" Suga yelled when he found the page." 'When your lover has a streak of hair that is the color of your hair it means that you and your lover were meant to be in other word you found your soulmate.' " Suga read from his book. The room went silent me and Noya were just staring at each other. Daichi broke the silence "OKAY TIME TIME TO DO FREE WORKOUTS!!" Tanaka, Kageyama, Noya and me went to one corner. I started to do push-ups when Tanaka pushed Noya on my back. "My bad" Tanaka said nervously. "It's fine this is a good workout!" I said happily Tanaka was surprised along with everyone in the gym. They really started to stare when I did one handed push-ups with Noya on my back. "WHAT THE HELL!?" everyone screamed in disbelief. Noya got off my back and helped me up while blushing deeply. "Daichi it's hot in here can I take my shirt off?" I asked Daichi he nodded and I took my shirt off a Noya got a nose bleed so did Kageyama but I don't care about that bitch. I ran to Noya who fell on the floor. "BABE ARE YOU OKAY" I screamed in panic. "How a-are you s-so hawt?" he asked which made me blush a lot.

After Practice

 Noya walked me home and we studied together. "Thank you for helping me study Noya!" I said happily. "No problem anything to for my ray of sunshine!" he said which made me blush and I giggled. I heard a knock at my door and I go to answer it but Noya beat me there. "Hey guys why are you here?" Noya asked. "Hinata texted us to come over and have a study session!" Suga said proudly. "Oh uh come in!" Noya said. We all studied for a few hours then most of the team went home Noya stayed. "So my ray of sunshine what do you want to do?" I loved it when he called me his little ray of sunshine! "I wanna kiss you" I said nervously and he was surprised by my answer. He pulled me in and grabbed my waist I wrapped my arms around his neck and closed the gap. We were having our make-out session for a few minutes and Noya said "I'm so glad you're my soulmate!". It made my blush but went right back to our make-out session.

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