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As the jet begins to fall Riley almost slips out the open side of the jet, but grabs one of the metal bars on the liftgate. She is flown around rapidly until the front of the jet crashes into a building and then the floor. In the process Riley hits her head and leg, but her helmet protected her head (Why do you think she wears it?).

The same couldn't be said for her leg.

A large gash now sat across her thigh, bleeding heavily. "Son of a bitch!" Riley growls. She slowly pulls herself to her feet, but hands reach out to help her. Riley jerks away from them. "Don't touch me." She meets the shocked eyes of Hawkeye.

He puts his hands up and backs away. "'Kay, sorry!" Riley growls under her breath as she rips off a piece of her shirt and ties it tightly around her thigh, slowing the bleeding.

She sees the Avengers watching her. "What?" She demands standing limply. Captain America shrugs. "Just seems like you've done this before." Riley huffs and turns away, looking up at the top of the building. "That's because I have."

Riley limps out of the jet and sees Iron Man losing the fight to the decepticon. Riley narrows her eyes as she wonders where Bumblebee is. "He's losing." Riley turns to the Avengers. "Tell him to bring the fight to the ground." Black Widow glares at Riley.

"Civilians will be injured." Riley raises an eyebrow and points out at the empty streets. "I think the people of New York know when to get their asses away from an alien." Cap sighs and nods, touching something in his ear. "Tony, bring it down. We're grounded and-" he glances at Riley and her leg. "We have help. Sort of."

Riley was so close to blasting his ass right there.

"Uh huh, and how do you suggest I do that?" Came an annoyed voice through their coms, but it was loud enough for Riley to ear. The three of them turn to her and she shrugs, "Aim for his hands and feet. Can't hang on if there's nothing to hold on with." Cap replays the message to Tony and minutes later the decepticon crashes to the ground.

Iron Man lands next to them and his face plate flips up revealing Tony Stark. "And who are you?" Riley glares at him then starts walking towards the decepticon. She pulls a radio out of her jacket pocket. "Bumblebee, where are you?"

"Patience man! I'm comin, I'm comin!" Riley sighs and slides the radio back into her pocket. The decepticon pulls itself up and roars in anger. "So how do we beat this thing?" Came Tony's voice. Riley adjusts her guns in her hands. "Aim for the spark and give it everything you've got."

The decepticon begins running at them. "Uh huh, and where exactly is that?" Riley doesn't answer and runs at the decepticon. "What are you doing?!" As it tries to swing it's arm to hit Riley, she slides under him, blasting him in the chest, and between the legs. "Oh, that's where."

Riley looks up to see the Avengers trying to fight the beast, but the majority of their attacks were too weak against the robot.

What's a vibranium frisbee got against transformium?

Suddenly, a face appears out of the decepticons back and looks directly at Riley. "What the hell?" It leaps off the decepticons back, hurling towards Riley. The bigger a-hole has a smaller a-hole leech.

It swipes it's knife hands at Riley, but she ducks out of the way, trying to blast it, but when she extends her arm the Leech slices her arm deep enough for her to drop her gun. "Mother fu-" Riley sneers at the Leech and uses her good arm with her gun to pistol whip the disgusting creature.

It becomes a game of hit, dodge, cut: Riley taking the hit and cut. She is usually excellent with hand to hand combat, I mean, her father taught her, but there isn't much Winchester training can do against a literally walking butcher shop.

Riley finally hears the familiar buzz of Bumblebee's engine. He transforms and begins running to Riley but she stops him. "No! Help the idiots!" She jerks her head in the direction of the losing Avengers. Bee hesitantly walks over to them.

While she was distracted the Leech managed to get a grip on Riley's bad wrist and yank her arm down harshly. "Son of a-" Riley falls backward and begins to scoot away from the Leech. It clitters as it begins crawling towards her.

Riley is backed into some ruble and reaches around her and grabs whatever is closest. Once the Leech is close enough, Riley grabs the object she had grabbed which turned out to be the other decepticons finger, right into the Leech's chest.

It's eyes flicker, then fade to blackness. It's dead body falls on top of Riley causing her to cry out in pain. Riley tries to shove it off of her, but with only one hand it's useless. Her only choice is to wait for Bumblebee to come for her.

What felt like hours later, Riley hears Bee's engine. "Bumblebee! I'm over here!" Bumblebee comes into her line of sight, along with the other four Avengers. "Get this thing off me. It's leaking green goo all over my jacket." Bumblebee easily throws the Leech away and offers Riley a hand to help her stand.

"Jeez," She looks at the Avengers. "You look like you've been through hell." Riley looks away, gritting her teeth. "No I haven't." With a deep breath, Riley clears her mind of thoughts of her father and looks back up.

"Why don't you come back to the base. We could stitch you up-" Riley shakes her head and Bumblebee transforms instantly. "No. I'll be fine." Bee opens his door and Riley slides into the seat. Before any of the Avengers can question her, Bumblebee blasts away from the scene.

Riley bursts through the doors of the corner store she usually goes to for medical supplies. The cashier is usually too busy watching hockey to notice her constant state of bleeding.

She gathers everything she needs and slips into the gross public bathroom. It's one of those that you need a code to unlock, but no lock had ever stopped a Winchester before. Riley sits on a toilet and locks the door. She pulls a needle out from her pocket (Yes, a clean one. She isn't begging to die of an infection) and begins to try and put the thread through the needle eye.

But having only one good arm, and the bad eyesight she has (Don't mention glasses to her. Her dad tried to get her to wear when when she was 10. It did not go his way), it wasn't going good.

"Aagh!" Riley growls in anger. She hears the door to the bathroom swing open. "No, we are not eating them! When someone is bleeding, the human thing to do is check if they are okay." Riley knows that voice. It's Eddie Brock. But who's he talking to?

"I don't care that you aren't! I am, and we-" Eddie briefly meets Riley's eyes through the crack in the side of the stall. "Riles?" He reaches for the door and it swings open. Riley frowns at the stall door. "Broken lock."

Eddie blinks at her bleeding form. "Jeez, kid what happened to you?" Riley doesn't answer and only sits frozen. Eddie spots the needle in her hand. "Were you about to-" He sighs and takes the needle from Riley. "C'mon. You aren't doing this here." Riley frowns at him, not moving.

Eddie puts his hands up. "I won't ask any questions. I just want to make sure you get decent medical care. You dying won't be any good on my conscience." Riley narrows her eyes at him and Eddie shakes his head, almost like a tick of annoyance. "No hospitals. Just you and me in my apartment with stuff that won't end up giving you an infection."

After a moment of hesitation Riley gives in.




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