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      Riley sighs as she sits down on the rooftop of the warehouse. She sips from a beer and looks out at the city. It's been a crazy few days. She's just hoping now she can catch a break. Hoping. She knows it won't happen, but it's not a crime to hold onto hope.

      "Aren't you too young to drink?" Riley whips around to see Spider-Man walking towards her. She raises an eyebrow at him and sips from her beer. "You gonna tattle Mr. Law Abiding Spider?" Spider-Man laughs and shakes his head. He sits next to Riley and she lets her legs dangle over the edge of the building.

      "What are you doing up here?" He asks as he does the same as Riley. Riley shrugs. "Thinking." Spider-Man tilts his head at Riley. "About?" She glances at him then sighs and takes a sip from her beer. "My family." Riley sets her beer down next to her and props herself up with her hands.

      She doesn't know why she's talking to him honestly. She's never been a fan of heroes that aren't the autobots, but she needs to get it off her chest, and Bumblebee doesn't quite understand what she's going through.

      "My dad died four months ago." She pauses for a moment then looks down. "He was murdered right in front of me and my uncle." Spider-Man looks at Riley and she glances at him, bringing her beer to her lips. "I've been avoiding everyone from my life before coming here."

      She sips the beer. "My uncle ran off about a week after the funeral. Haven't heard from him." RIley sighs. "Not that it's unlike him to take off and not call me." She mutters. Riley lays back on the roof and Spider-Man looks at her.

      "Why haven't you tried calling him?" Riley glances at him then shrugs. "Call it karma, and," She pauses. "I needed time and staying in Sioux Falls wasn't doing anything for me. I needed to get away so-" Riley gestures out. "I came here." Riley rests her wrist on her forehead.

      "I was out of town for a few days. Got back into the family business; for how long that will last I don't know, but I visited my father's grave." Riley closes her eyes and Spider-Man watches her intently. "It gave me the necessary push to get my head out of my ass."

      Spider-Man chuckles. "So what are you going to do now?" Riley looks at him for a moment then looks up at the blue sky. "I don't know to be honest with you." Riley shrugs. "But I'll figure it out. I always do. That's what Winchesters do. We carry on."

      There are sirens in the distance and Riley smirks, propping herself up on her elbows. "You need to get that?" Spider-Man nods at her and stands. He goes to jump off the building but Riley stops him. "You know, you aren't half bad," She gives him a smirk. "For a superhero."

      Spider-Man's eyes shift into an almost squint. Riley guesses he's smiling. "Thanks. You aren't half bad for an underaged drinker." Riley laughs as he swings away. She sips her beer then pulls out her phone. She's got to make a call.

      Bobby Singer mutters angrily as he walks through his house. He swears he left the damn book on the couch. After leaving to get a beer he found that it was gone. He's been searching for 10 minutes and still can't find it.

      Suddenly his phone begins to ring. He peeks his head into the living room and spots his phone on the coffee table. And the book right where he left it. He sighs and grabs it, then takes his phone.

      ~Riley Winchester~

      He stares at her name for a moment, then licks his dry lips and answers. "Riley?" He hears a breath on the other side. "Hey Bobby." Bobby Singer has never smiled so widely in his life. "'Bout time you called! I've been worried sick!"

      Riley laughs. "I know. Ellen told me." Bobby creases his brows. "You saw Ellen?" He puts the book down on the coffee table and stands up, walking to where he left his beer. "Technically I saw Jo. She called me asking if I could help on a hunt. Ellen showed up the next morning to yell at Jo for getting an anti-possession tattoo without telling her."

      Bobby chuckles, then frowns when he can't find his beer. "What have you been up to, kid?" Bobby looks around for his beer. "Not hunting is that's what your asking." Bobby smiles a bit. It's exactly what's he's asking. "What then, huh?"

      "High School." Bobby pauses as he continues to search for his beer. "Really? I thought you hated school." Riley hums. "I do, but I promised dad..." Bobby lets out a breath through his nose. "So you've been living the life, huh?"

      "I wouldn't say that. I've been living it as best as I can, but we both know the apple pie life isn't meant for me." Bobby spins around trying to find his beer. "But you've been trying. That's what matters."

      "Yeah... I'm sorry for not answering. I just- I needed more time." Bobby stops his search and leans against the wall. "It's okay kid." he frowns. "You haven't heard from Sam, have you?" Riley snorts. "Like he would call me."

      Bobby sighs and nods. "He's still MIA then." Bobby takes off his hat and rubs his head, before sliding it back on. "I'll let you go. I'm happy for you kid. And next time I call, answer the damn phone." Riley laughs. "I will. I love you Bobby."

      Riley hangs up and Bobby pulls his phone away from his ear. "I love you too kid." Bobby sighs and walks over to grab his book, but finds it gone. "Son of a bitch!"

      Riley runs a hand through her hair as she pulls her phone away from her ear. It felt good to talk to him. Relieving. She doesn't know why she is concerned about Sam not contacting anyone. It's Sam. He takes off, disappears, and does who the hell knows what.

      Riley sighs and stands. She's meeting with Peter once school ends. She skipped today. There was no way she was going to go today.



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