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Friday had soon came, this was the day for Millie to prove herself.

The quidditch tryouts.

Well.. they weren't actually holding tryouts, but Draco had planned for the team to come watch her practice to decide whether she could qualify for the team.

Following events at the black lake that evening, Millie hadn't spoke to Snape. He even refrained from asking her questions in class but, of course, the work load didn't stop. She'd always come to her dorm after dinner to find a large pile of papers sitting on her bed.

She also hadn't been given the chance to explain herself to Fred either. She would see him walking through the corridors often, but each time, he'd be with all his friends. Her original aim was to go straight to him when she arrived back that evening to make sure he wouldn't tell anyone else, but when she entered the castle he had already taken his seat at the Gryffindor table for dinner.

"Right, we just want to see how good you are-" flint started, "at aiming this-" he held up the quaffle, handing it to the girl, "into those hoops"

"Well surely you know there's more to being a chaser than that" she joked but he didn't seem to find it very funny.

"Just show us how good your aim is. That's all. And you're on the team"

It's not that it mattered anymore, that Millie was trying out for the team. Her and Snape hadn't spoke since the incident and quite frankly she felt independent enough to try out for the team without his blessing.

The team started their practice, split into two smaller teams. Millie, Draco and Flint vs Montague, Pucey and Bletchley.

There was no denying the team went easy on her. Near to none of the bludgers were aimed at her, and considering how awful the Slytherin keeper was, she scored most goals. The quaffle was caught successfully by Millie each time that Flint had passed to her, and her throwing was strong enough to score. But she still felt as though she was being taught to ignore the bludgers, which everyone knew was the hardest part when scoring in quidditch.

After only around 20 minutes, the team flew back down to the ground.

"Right, McKinnon you're on the team next term." He spoke sternly.

Although the whole quidditch experience wasn't what she'd expected, she was still so relieved. A huge grin crept onto her face as she turned to Draco who was giving her an almost guilty smile but she was too overjoyed to noticed.

"You'll get the game schedule when you come back, I suggest you buy a better broom now..." he spoke so flatly.

"Um- what's wrong with my broom sorry?" She asked slightly embarrassed.

"We all have the nimbus 2001s." He said smugly. "And you only have the nimbus 2000, hardly looks good does it?" He laughed, causing many of the other boys to join in.

With a nod from Millie the boys headed to the changing rooms to get ready. Considering the Slytherin team didn't offer positions to female players, Millie had to head back to her dorm each time to get ready. Slightly annoying, but surely it was better than getting changed in front of the slimy boys.

Draco walked up with his friend towards to common room, "excited to be on the team?" He gave a fake smile.

"Yes.. but my broom is fine!" She complained.

"If it wasn't for me, flint would still have his nimbus 2000" Draco scoffed.

"Snape won't buy me a new one Draco... were not exactly speaking" she said with disappointment in her voice.

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