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Hi guys! sorry i haven't been updating! i've been busy writing my other book irresistible and i've been slowly losing ideas for this book and it makes me sad because i love it so much so if y'all could help please give me some ideas to work off of but i hope you're all having a good day and happy reading!

Narrator pov:
You and Draco finished your shower and dried off still blushing after the events that happened before. You dried your hair with a flick of your wand and put it in big loose curls while Draco decided to keep his damp.

You went in the drawer you kept in his room and picked out a short white dress with yellow flowers on it and matched it with beige pumps.

You finished getting ready when you saw Draco out of the corner of your eye just smiling to himself

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You finished getting ready when you saw Draco out of the corner of your eye just smiling to himself. You did a spin which resulted in you almost falling him catching you then you both laughing hysterically.

"So what are we doing today my beautiful girl?" Draco asked you spinning the ring on his finger.

"well i'm thinking we can go to three broomsticks for butterbeer and some breakfast, then we can do whatever comes to mind because i have no idea." you said giggling at the last part.

Draco just looked down with a blush and started laughing. He went to stand up from his chair to be met with a very happy you looking up at him.

He started stroking your hair when he said "You're so adorable princess. Seriously how did i get so lucky?" And with that he kissed your forehead.

"We'll see when a mommy and a daddy love each other ve-" You started before Draco cut you off.

"Okay okay that's not what i meant." He said laughing then grabbing your hand.

You both apparated to the outside of three broomsticks and ordered your butterbeer. When the food came you got really happy since you've been starving for three days.

"Baby what are you doing?" Draco asked you while you were eating your food.

"Nothing?" You said giggling then eating again.

"Babe you were dancing while eating." Draco laughed while drinking his butterbeer.

"Oh i was? I noticed i do that sometimes sorry." You said blushing feeling embarrassed.

"No baby i think it's cute." Draco said grabbing your hand and kissing it.

You spent the entire day together. You both went to many stores and spoiled each other.Draco bought you two dresses, A lilac purple long sleeved one and a short emerald green one. He also bought you a teddy bear that had a shirt on with your initials and gave you one of his hoodies.

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