Chapter 2: Bfdia again?

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Leafy's POV:
I stare at the music player and walk up to my bedroom. As I was thinking about things I see a pile of boxes in the corner of my closet I left since we have moved in. I wanted to open it since i have never really seen inside of it. I open the box and see something I haven't seen in a long time. "Kni-Knives?.." I haven't seen these in years. I suddenly get a pulse in me and grab it. I had to hide these. If one of the losers see these they'll think I'm crazy! I hid them at the top of my drawer hoping nobody notices but I kept one. I stored it under my bed.  I heard a loud bang and stopped and ran downstairs. Luckily it was just loser getting a drink and the cup smashed loser was about to step on one before I yelled "be careful!" I helped him clean the mess. "Thanks leafy" loser said i  ran up to my room.

Third person POV:
Firey kept thinking in his room while watching the tv. Did he mean what he had said with leafy? Or did was he just mad and upset with her. Deep inside firey really wanted to make up with her. He started thinking of doing a apology. But he thought a sorry wouldn't work. He had also know he broke Leafy and had to think, he had to think something big. The next day cake walked up to loser blushing.
Loser looked confused. Cake made a gesture to follow her and loser did. Loser went to his room with cake. cake started chatting with him about how he liked there friendship and how nice he is. Then cake finally said it. "Loser..I really like-" before he could finish loser kissed him.

We loveee a good love scene 😂 Yes I Remade half the chapter so yeahhh.

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