Part 1

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Gellert to Mitchell, winter 1900

Gellert is 14, Mitchell is 9, Aurora is 7

Gellert comes back from Durmstrang for Christmas:

(let's say their family house is somewhere in northwestern Russia)

G: ''I'm happy to see you again, my little brother.''

M, doesn't look very good: ''Hey''

G: ''Is something wrong?''

M: ''No, why should be? Everything is completely normal. Boring. Boring as always.''

G: ''I don know... You don't look very good.''

M, sarcastic:''Thanks.''

they laugh

M: ''I'm just a little tired, that's all.''

they sit down on a stone next to the lake

G: ''You didn't write much in your letters, so what's new?''

M: ''Nothing, really.''

G: ''Doesn't your black-haired friend come here to play with you?''

M: ''Yeah, sometimes. You know, he also goes to school...''

G: ''And don't you play with our sister?''

M: ''I- No. I'm not allowed to.''

G: ''That hag (speaking of Morticia) still doesn't allow you to play with her?''

M: ''She keeps Aurora to herself. She doesn't even allow her to go out.''

G: ''She doesn't deserve this...''

M: ''No...''

Morticia:''Gellert! Dinner is ready!''

Gellert gets up, looks at Mitchell who didn't move at all

G: ''You won't eat?''

M: ''Maybe later.''

Gellert is now sure something isn't right.

Later, when Gellert returns, Mitchell is sitting/laying up in a tree

G: ''So you're not going to eat huh?''

M: ''Well, not now.''

G: ''I'm worried about you. I never saw you this tired and I never saw you skip dinner before. You can tell me if something is wrong.''

M: ''If something was wrong, I would tell you.''

G: ''Fine. Suit yourself.''

Gellert realizes he won't persuade Mitchell to tell him anything and starts to walk away

Mitchell tries to climb to another branch but slips and falls down (he falls because his bruised arms won't allow him to catch himself)

Gellert quickly runs back to Mitchell, laying on the ground:

G: ''Mitchell!''

Mitchell doesn't respond

G: ''Mitchell! Say something! Are you okay?''


Gellert notices Mitchell's bruises under his shirt

Gellert, to himself: ''Merlin's beard, what did she do to him?''

Gellert is visibly disgusted by Morticia

G, whispers:'' Don't worry, I'll help you.''

Gellert carefully picks Mitchell's body and carries him to the house

M, trying to speak: ''No, not there...''

G, whispers: ''What?''

M: ''Not inside...''

Gellert now realizes how much pain Morticia must've caused Mitchell. He takes him to the lake and lays him on the water, pulls out his wand, and starts healing him.

(the reason his magic remains undetected is the heavy protection over their family house - he is, therefore, free to cast spells without the ministry knowing)

Mitchell lets Gellert heal him

G: ''That's all I can do. Sorry.''

M: ''Thanks. It feels much better now.''

Mitchell hugs Gellert, making him completely wet (until that, the water reached Gellert's waist),

The Childhood of Gellert GrindelwaldWhere stories live. Discover now