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"Bitch they come in 2 days" Alvaro said as he jumped on Kairi's bed that he just made

"Bitch I just fucking made the bed what the fuck" Kairi's aid and Alvaro giggled "oops" Alvaro sajd and Kairi giggled and rolled his eyes

"Girl are you on you're peruod Bitch you having mood swings" Alvaro said and I looked at him

"Bitch you know we don't have periods" I said and he smiled "I was being sarcastic" Alvato said and Kairi rolled his eyes

"So I heard Mar was over here when you're parents left how was the sex?" Alvaro said and Kairi smacked his arm

"Ow" He said and held his arm "shut up" Kairi said and They both giggled

"But it was good" Kairi said and Alvaro nodded

"I bet someone else out there can treat you way better then that piece of shit" Alvaro thought

Alvaro always sees Mar flirting with all these girls and he tries to tell Kairi but he just gets mad and shit then they get into a fight

Alvaro always knew Mar wasn't good for Kairi

He knows that one day he will cheat on him and he dosn't want his best friend to go through that

"-Varo Alvaro" Kairi said and Alvaro looked at him

"What?" He asked and Kairi gave him a confused look

"You where zoned out for a while" Kairi said and Alvato nodded

"Sorry but bitch lets watch a movie" Alvaro said amd Kairi smiled


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