chapter 8: the escape

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everyone packed a bag and took off in different directions. Logan drove me through the city so we could talk.

"they clam to believe you killed your father." Logan doesn't say anything for a moment. he pulls over just outside of LA. he sighed and looked out his side window.

"My father was a drunk and abusive. he would come home every night drunk and abuse me and my mother." he paused and looked at me. "i did kill him Ellie. but it wasn't what you think. i was 16 and i came home from school one day and my mother was dead on the kitchen floor." he took in a breath trying not to cry. "i would have been next." i felt a tear fall from my eyes. i put my hand on his arm. "it was self defense. i ran though because i knew no one would believe me. i was already in trouble with the law. so i took off and never looked back." he looked at me finally and he was crying.

"I'm so sorry." he takes a breath and looks ahead.

"you need to stay behind. i don't want you to live on the run. you deserve better then that." i shake my head.

"no, i don't want to. i don't want to go on without you." Logan climbed out the car and opened my door. i climb out and hug him tightly. "i can't lose you." i whisper. he hugs me back tighter.

"i know Ellie." we get so distracted in the moment that we didn't hear a car stop behind Logan.

"LOGAN BLAKE!" we let go and he turns around. my father was pointing his gun at Logan. "you are under arrest." he sounded angry. Logan hesitated and looked at his car. "you move and i will shoot you." he wasn't bluffing. Logan looked back at me with tears rolling down his cheeks. i knew what he was gonna do. i shake my head and tell him no.

"Logan don't do it." Logan creases my cheek.

"shh it's okay." Logan whispered.

"Ellie come here." my dad demanded. he was never going to arrest me. he was using me to find Logan. "Ellie please. i know his kind. they would rather die then get caught." he was right. that's what Logan was doing. i cry out and stand in front of Logan.

"No dad. you can't do this."

"Ellie move. he's a criminal, he needs to be put away." i shake my head. i wasn't going to let him shoot Logan.

"let him go dad. he'll never come back, i promise you." i beg my father to let him go. Logan puts his hand on my shoulder.

"why are you doing this Ellie? why him?" my dad seemed confused. his good baby girl was with a criminal. i look at my dad in the eye.

"because i love him, and if you kill him I'll never forgive you." my dad froze and lowered his weapon just a little bit. "just let him go. please dad." dad looked at Logan and sighed putting his gun down. he was gonna let him go. i smiled and turned around to give Logan a hug. just before i could i saw John raising his gun at Logan's back. just as i shouted out John had pulled the trigger. it hit Logan in the arm from him turning around. Logan yelled in pain and backed up a bit. we were on the bridge between LA and freedom. he needed to leave now. i felt a weird feeling in my gut. it was kinda warm, and painful. i put my hand over my stomach and look. was that blood? was it my blood? i felt a little dizzy. i looked at Logan. he was holding his wound to stop the bleeding.

"Logan?" i choked out his name. he looked up at me and fear it his eyes.

"NO, ELLIE!" he jumped up not caring about his bleeding arm as he caught me as i fell. he wraps his arms around me and slowly sets me down. he cried out and screamed. i lift my hand up to his cheek making him look me in the eyes.

"you need to go. get out of here." he shakes his head.

"not till i know you will be okay." he let his tears fall. he looks up and screams for help. my dad came running up to us.

"Logan... go... please." i begged him to go. my dad took a deep breath and looked at Logan.

"do you really care about her?" Logan looked my father in the eye.

"with everything I've got." Logan looks down at me. "I'm in love with her." i smile.

"and I'm in love with you Logan." my dad sighs.

"go. get out of here. if you love my daughter then run. i wont chase you." Logan looked back at me and gave me a kiss on my forehead. last thing i remember was him running away before everything turned black.

i wake up in a hospital room. i look around and see my dad to my right sleeping in the chair. movement by the door catches my attention and i look, but no one walked in. i had hoped Logan would come in but he never did. he was really gone, out of my life forever. i only prey he finds what he's looking for and stays out of trouble. i laugh at the thought of that. he'll never stay out of trouble.

a couple days later i was finally able to go home. when we drive up to the house i gasp. Logan's car was in the drive way. dad comes to a stop and i jump out the car. i run to Logan's car but he wasn't inside. i looked around but he was nowhere to be seen. i frown and lean on his car. my dad walked up to me and pulled out an envelope.

"he came by the hospital to make surer you were okay before leaving. he asked me to give you this." dad handed it to me and headed inside. i sit in the driver side of Logan's car and opens the letter.

' Dear Ellie,

before i met you i didn't know what love was. I'm sorry i couldn't be there when you woke up in the hospital, just know that i will always be with you. and one day we will be together again. you showed me how to be good. you showed me how to love again. i will always love you. go to collage, live your life like it's your last day. oh and take care of my baby. she's yours now. I love you...

LOVE Logan Blake.

i smile and let a tear fall.

"I love you too." i whisper and set my hands on the steering wheel. i turn the car on and sit there for a moment. i grin putting the gear in reverse and slam on the gas. i fly backwards and i drift into the road. i switch the gears to drive and i fly down the road. live like it's your last day on earth. that's exactly what i was going to do.


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