chapter 7: the talk

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i drive to the docks and park in the back near Logan's. at least i know he's here. i get out my car and walk to the door. i take a deep breath and walk inside.

"HELLO?" i yell as i close the door. "is there anyone here?" i look around. it seemed like no one was here. i go up to Logan's room and look around. there was holes in the walls like he had been punching them. i sigh and sit on his bed. 

i wake up to voices below me. they must be back. i rub my eyes and walk to the door opening it to see everyone yelling at each other. i walk out and lean on the railing. Logan was leaning on the wall away from them. i watched him stand there watching his friends fight. for a moment i had forgotten why i was even there. Logan looked up straight into my eyes. he kicked off the wall and came straight up to me. 

"your here?" he whispered. the fighting had stopped and was watching us.

"we need to talk Logan." i say and walk into his room. "i need to know the truth, about us. if you really do love me." i look at Logan as he shuts the door. 

"i never meant to hurt you Ellie. we were only supposed to get your trust so we can stay ahead of your father. but after meeting you and bringing you here for that party i changed my mind. i didn't want to hurt you." he sighed and looked at me. "i'll understand if you never want to see me again." i let out a sigh and sit down on the edge of Logan's bed. 

"for a criminal you seem to actually have a heart." i mumbled. Logan sat beside me and watched me. 

"I'm sorry Ellie. i should have never agreed to do something like that." i shake my head and put my hands on his. 

"maybe i should give you a chance. and i know i shouldn't and just go home but..." i pause and look Logan in the eye.  "but i want nothing more then to be with you." Logan licked his lips and smiled. 

"I'd really like to have a second chance to prove myself to you." i smiled and hugged Logan the best i could sitting down. everything was good again finally. for the rest of the day we stayed in Logan's room talking about everything. Logan told me story's about his time here in LA. this is where he met the crew. dad has only been after this crew for a few months so he hasn't been around for all that long. 

by the time the sun went down it was time for me to head out. Logan walked me to my car and opened the door for me. i smiled and climbed in. 

"I'll see you soon Logan." he smiled and closed the door and watched me drive away. 

i get home and see dad's car and John's, i groan and walk inside. as i shut the door i hear my dad whisper and then go quiet. i walk into the kitchen and look at my dad and John. dad looked upset.

"what's going on?" i ask as i set my key's down on the counter. my dad fought back tears as he handed me a photo. i looked at my dad as i took the photo and looked down at it. i gasped and covered my mouth. no, this can't be happening. how did this happen? i shake my head and look back at my dad. 

"where did you get this?" i asked and then looked at John. John was watching me. "did you follow me?" i could hear my own pain in my voice. 

"Ellie? where are they?" i shake my head and slam the photo down on the counter. the photo was me and Logan just outside the city at the bench. it was us walking back to his car. 

"Ellie?" my dad's voice rose and became more demanding. "Where are they?" i look back at the photo. 

"i don't know." i answered. i wasn't going to tell them. they shouldn't have even known to begin with. my dad slammed his fist into the counter making me jump.

"I been after these guy's for months and you been hanging around them this whole time? you told them we were coming when they were at the mall, didn't you?" i didn't say anything. 

"there not the guy's you think they are. it's not like they kill people." i defended them. they were like family to me. 

"Ellie? you don't know do you? like they would tell you." i glare at John and speak to my dad.

"don't know what?" this time John spoke up.

"this guy in the photo with you killed a man. he's a murderer." i shake my head. he wouldn't do that. he wouldn't hide that from me.

"if you believe he killed a man then who is he? what's his name?" i looked at my dad. John tried to say but i stopped him. "i want my father to tell me." my eyes never left his.

"His name is Logan Blake. the man he killed was his father." i shake my head. he had to have had a reason. 

"no. he had to have had a reason, self defense." my dad shook his head.

"if that was true. then why run?" i chuckle at John.

"Are you serious right now? who would believe a 'criminal'." i hiss at John. "I'm leaving." i grab my key's and walk to the door. 

"you need to say it other wise i will." i heard John talking to my dad. 

"tell me what?" i asked. it took a moment but dad couldn't say it so John spoke up.

"if you don't tell us or show us where their hiding out then you will be arrested as well for hiding a murderer." i took a deep breath and looked at my father. i had a choice here. leave and be arrested or stay and lose Logan's trust. i don't say anything and walk out the door. i walk up to mt car and see a flashing red light hitting the ground. they already know where Logan is. i panic and look back at the house. i see my dad open the front door and watch me. i climb in the car and drive off.

i park the car at an abandoned mall across the city from where Logan really was. i leave the key's with the car and take a bus back. i make it to the docks about an hour later and run inside. i heard there voices inside the room beside the stairs. i walk in and see everyone there. everyone went quiet when they looked at me. 

"Ellie?" Megan was the one to speak up first. my eye's met Logan's and he seemed to know what i was gonna say.

"I'm so sorry." everyone looked around at each other. "my dad knows. and they know where you guy's are." 

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