Chapter 3: Logan

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we finally loose the cops outside the city near the docks. we wait there for a few hours till we know its safe to go back and Logan drives me to my car and i drive myself home. i sit in my car and look at the house. my dad wasn't even home yet. so he doesn't have to know. i get inside and take the note down and head to bed.

2 weeks go by pretty fast and it was finally summer. i lay in bed looking out my window. i haven't heard from Logan in awhile but that could be because i never had the chance to give him my number. i get up and head to the kitchen. i jump when i see a man standing in the kitchen looking at pictures on the counter. he looked up and noticed me and smiled.

"Ella." he spoke. i glare at him and yell for my dad. he comes running in and looks between me and the man.

"Ella this is my partner, John." i nod and look at my dad.

"whats going on?" i ask.

"we are looking for a gang. car thieves to be exact. there wanted by the police." i look at the photos and notice a familiar face.

"Logan." i whisper barley noticeable. John looked at me.

"What did you say?" i looked at John and shook my head.

"nothing. I'll look out for them when I'm out and yes I'll stay away." i walk up to dad and give him a kiss on the cheek. "i promise." i smile and leave the house.

i drive down by the docks and look around. there had to be a reason he came here to hide.

"Can i help you?" i smiled and turned around seeing Logan. he was leaning up against a building wiping his hands on a rag like he was working on a car or truck.

"Maybe." i teased. he chuckled and looked down.

"You shouldn't be here." he spoke up. he had a serious look in his eyes. i blink and look away from him.

"Why not?" i act clueless.

"It's not safe here for a girl like you." i pretend to be hurt as i lift my hand over my chest and gasp.

"Do you think I'm not strong enough?" he steps away from the wall and walks to me.

"not really." i shake my head looking at him.

"You would be wrong. living in this city i need to know how to protect myself." i blinked innocently. Logan sighed and went to swing his fist at me and i ducked punching him in the stomach. he staggered back and chuckled.

"not bad." he said still laughing. my fists still raised as i watch him come closer. he comes at me again as i dodge his blows. i spin on the ground with my leg straight out knocking him to the ground. i stand and put my heal on his neck.

"And I win." i breath heavy. he chuckled laying on his back. i grin letting him go and giving him my hand. he looks me in the eyes as he takes my hand and i help him up. we stand inches apart lost in each others eyes.

"where did you learn to fight like that?" he whispered. i smile nervously as my heart started to pound in my chest. "I mean you kicked me down like nothing. and here i thought i was better then everyone i know."

someone clears there throat and we look at who it was. she was tall, skinny and had tattoos on her arms.

"Logan. boss wants you." Logan nods and looks at me.

"You should get outta here but ill see you tonight. meet me here at 10 PM." i nod and he walks off back inside and i head back home for the day.

by 9 PM I head out the house and down to the docks. when i get to the docks i see a bunch of people with sports cars and nice bikes. I park my car a block down the road and walk to the docks. for a criminal he had a lot of friends. i felt out of place as i walked through the crowd looking for Logan.

"well hello there." i turn around seeing a man looking at me with a cup in his hand. he reaked of alcohol. he was a little taller then me with short brown hair and skinny. he had muscle and probably a 6 pack if he was lucky.

"and goodbye." i say as i turn around to walk away. he grabs my wrist to stop me.

"hey now. don't be like that. we can have some fun you know." he tries to pull me into him but i refuse and turn to him and slap him in the face.

"don't you touch me again." i hissed and went to walk away again.

"why you little bitch." i could hear the anger in his voice as he came at me. i turned around just as he lifted his fist and swung at me. i ducked and looked at him.

"I'm not gonna fight you." that seemed to anger him more and swing again. i catch his fist in my hand and twist his wrist back behind him and slam him into the wall. i get up to his face and whisper in his ear as he groans in pain.

"Don't...Touch...Me...Again..." I hiss and pull up on his arm making him yell in pain.

"Okay, Okay. I wont." he begged for me to let him go. i drop him and he takes off running. i hear someone beside me laughing and i look over seeing Logan.

"a girl who can take care of them self. impressive." he claps and leans on the wall beside me. i smile and look at him.

"so you wanted me to be here for a.... party? you do realize I'm not the party type right?" he grins and grabs my hand.

"then lets get out of here." i grin and follow him. we get into his car and drive off out the city.

"where are we going?" i asked while looking at him. he was watching the road as he drove. he was vary cute but he was a criminal. one that my dad was looking for. One I promised I would stay away from, but I couldn't help it. he smiled and looked at me for a moment.

"it's a surprise." i smile and look back out the window. i felt nervous. he didn't seem like a criminal, he seemed to be a normal guy that try's to stay out of trouble. i decide to distract myself and play with the radio. Neffex sometimes was playing on a station and i turn it up. i look at Logan and i can see a smile on his face but he never looks at me.

about an hour later we come to a stop at the top of a hill looking down at the city. it was surrounded by trees. Logan shuts the car off and gets out. i get out and follow him to a bench. he watches the city bellow us. he looked like he was lost in thought.

"It's beautiful up here." i spoke softly and looked at him. he looked back and gave me a fake smile. i could see pain in his eyes. "Is everything okay?" i asked. he never spoke so we sat there in silence watching the city for hours it felt like.

by the time we get back to the docks the sun was starting to come up and everyone was gone. i get out the car after Logan and look at him. he hasn't said anything the hole time we were gone. he heads to the building beside us not looking at me. i bite my cheek and and grab his wrist as he walks past me. he stops and looks at me.

"What's wrong Logan?" i didn't let go of him. i needed an answer. he shock his head and stood in front of me. inches away from my face. he puts his hand up to my cheek. he gonna kiss me. he stood there for a moment looking into each others eyes. he comes a little closer but then stops.

"you need to leave. and never come back." he whispered. i close my eyes and take a deep breath. what the hell did he just say to me? i take a step back and look him in the eye. how dare he play games with me.

"how dare you. you asked me to come here and then take me out the city to a beautiful place and now you don't want me around? who the hell do you think you are?" i hissed. he took a step to me and about to say something. i could see the hurt in his eyes. i push him away from me and glare at him.

"don't you dare touch me." i walk past him and head for my car. i walk past a women coming out the building and she watched me. i didn't look at her i just wanted to get out of there.

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