Chapter 3: Daytrip of Doom!

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On a beautiful morning at McDuck Manor. Scrooge McDuck wakes up from his sleep, puts on his slippers and dressing gown and goes to open the window.

"Aaah, good morning, you gleaming bin of bounty." Scrooge said as he got ready to take on the morning. He stares out the window, looking at his money bin in the distance.

Suddenly, Mrs Beakley enters the room, carrying a tea tray, looking disheveled. "Beakley!?" Scrooge said in surprise.

"I feel like I should prepare you, for what's out there." She stated dryly as she poured his tea into his cup. "How bad can it be?" Scrooge asks with a shrug as he walked out of his room.

As Scrooge opens the door, a bunch of foam darts fly towards him.

He quickly grabs Beakley's tea tray and shields himself from the darts, causing the tea set to fly into the air and for Beakley to catch it.

"An elaborate series of cutthroat war games?" Scrooge answered as he inters the hallway as Joey and Dewey run by shooting darts at each other back and forth taking cover from the others fire.

"Die! Die! Die!" Joey called out almost psychotically complete with a laugh. "Take that!" Dewey yelled as he was shooting the darts back at his brother.

"Dewey! Joey" Scrooge said as he took their guns. while the boys looked at him curiously. " don't yell at your target before you fire, you'll lose the element of surprise." Scrooge said aiming them before tossing them back to Dewey and Joey who catch them.

"Got it Uncle Scrooge." Joey replied while Scrooge tilted his hat a bit at him before walking away.

Louie runs past him and shoots at Dewey while laughing, Joey turns around the corner and shoots at them laughing as well hitting the wall and a vase which Mrs. Beakley dives to catch. Quick save Joey thought.
"Good hand, Beakley!" Louie congratulated her before returning fire.


Through infrared/night vision, we see Louie running down the hall laughing. A shadowy figure wearing night vision goggles hangs from the chandelier. "Target acquired."

As Louie stops in the middle of the hall, Webby (still in shadow) uses a grapple gun to grapple to the chandelier above. She fires on Louie, prompting him to run and trigger a trap that throws pillows at him, knocking him to the ground.

"You set traps!?" Louie questioned. "It's just a game."

"You're not a player." Webby stated in somewhat intense tone. " you're a pawn."

"Say what now?" Joey piped up not sure what to make of that statement.
"W-Webby, maybe you should take it down a notch." Dewey said.
"SAY THAT TO MY MEN YOU CAPTURED IN PEKIN!!!!" Webby yelled out dramatically scaring and confusing the boys at the same time.

"What?"Joey questioned.

"It's part of my character's backstory; grizzled ex-special forces pulled out of retirement for revenge." She explained while Joey responded with understanding "oh"

"what's yours?" She asked them.
"Ah man!" Joey wined. "Nobody said we were doing characters."
"That's what you want me to think." Webby said suspiciously. " I got my eye on you." This  statement made Joey go pale

"Mine...has a dart gun..." Dewey said.
Webby narrows her eyes and says darkly. " Not anymore."

She shoots Dewey, knocking him down and sending his dart gun flying. Webby then throws her guns away and uses her grapple hook to pull Dewey's gun to her.

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