Chapter 1

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"So what if it is the last week of school all the more reason to skip with me!", Norah pouts.
Just because it's the last week of school doesn't mean I won't learn anything. Why would they make us go if there isn't anything to teach. I just think we would have more peace at mind if we stayed. After giving myself at least a hundred reasons to stay at school I finally answer Norah
"No, we need to stay at school it'll be better in the long run.", I say as nice as I can.
"Ivy its our last chance to do something fun while we're sophomores!"
"I've made my decision Norah!", I say I little to harshly. I can see it in her eyes she really wants to go to some random park and hangout, but there's no way I'm skipping the last week of school.
"Fine!",she says and storms off.
I feel a little guilty, but I made my decision she's just going to have to respect it. When a turn to close my locker the bell for first period rings, and I walk to Spanish. When I arrive I take my regular seat in the front.
Mrs.Gomez smile and says,"good morning ivy!"
"Good morning mrs.Gomez!"
She smiles back and gets up to  write today's assignment on the board. 70 minutes later second period has arrived. The rest of the school day is a blur. Finally, it's the last period of the day, and I take my regular seat beside Norah in history.
"Pssss Ivy", Norah whispers way to loud.
"Yes Norah?"
"You aren't mad that I stormed off earlier right?"
I roll my eyes,"no I guess I get why you would want to have fun I mean it is our last week."
"Well since I see you're on board with the idea of fun I heard Corey and Miles talking about this secret cave passage thing under the school."
"Yeah, and I really want to go down there after school!"
What is she talking about?! Isn't that like breaking and entering?
"Please! Ivyyy this is our last chance after this I won't bug you anymore", Norah begs.
Definitely not if we got caught couldn't we get in legal trouble? I mean I would understand if it was somewhere besides the school, but it isn't and Norahs looking at me for a answer.
"Norah you know how I feel about this type of stuff. Wouldn't it be better to just do what we usually do when we get bored?" Norah and I have been going to her tree house and watching sappy romance movies since we were eight. It isn't so bad once you get past the bark chippings every where.
"Ivy we've been doing that for years I want to do something we will look back at in a few years and laugh at how stupid we were."
"My exact point you just said it was stupid!"
"I said in a few years it would be not right now", Norah says with a smile.
"Let me think about it okay?"
"Fine make your decision by the end of class because I'm going with or without you!", Norah says then stares back at the bored.
I mean I can't let her go alone. If she gets in trouble I'll feel so guilty knowing I could have done something. If wouldn't be that bad after all we are here every day legally.
After much back and forth in my mind I finally decided that I have to go with her, at least this once so she'll stop bugging me. Suddenly the bell releasing us rings.
Norah quickly turns to me,"so have you made up your mind?"
"I guess I'll go just this once."
I can see the excitement in her eyes,"yay! We have to go right now!"
Norah grabs me by the hand and leads me to the girls restrooms.
"We have too hide we can't just go into a hidden tunnel when everyone is in the halls!"
"Fine" After 30 minutes of being on our phones waiting for the school to lock up we finally leave the restrooms.
"What do we tell our parents,Norah?"
"We're at each other's house duh."
I roll my eyes then quickly send a text to my mom.
"Where Is this secret tunnel anyway?"
"I dont know they said it was behind a bookcase or something."
"Or something! Norah we cant just go to every class and yank on stuff!"
"Let's just try all the book cases and if they don't open we can leave",Norah begs.
I agree and we go to every class pulling on the book cases.
1 hour later were at the last classroom.
"If this doesn't open I'm going to be so mad at you Norah!"
"It's not my fault I thought they said bookcase!"
"Whatever lets just check this one."
Norah and I pull on the bookcase and it doesn't move and inch.
"See you made me waste my whole afternoon!"
"I'm sorry okay let's just go back to my place I'll ask my mom if you can stay the night."
This is the exact reason I don't do stuff like this. You waste your time looking for something that not even there.
"Fine but just know-"
I'm cut off my Norah,"Ivy does that trophy case always look like that?"
I look over at the trophy case and the whole thing is opened an inch.
"No i don't think so", I reply with uncertainty in my voice.
We both begin to walk over to it and two boys are opening it all the way.

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