Chapter 2

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The two boys walk out of the book case and stare at Norah and I.
"So this is the hidden tunnel?", Nora asks looking inside.
Corey looks at miles with uncertainty, "no we just have detention."
"Yeah right, behind a bookcase?",Norah says while glaring at them.
"Um we were just cleaning it?",Miles says and turns to Corey.
"Yeah you know how much teachers love their... um books", Corey says.
"Don't even try it I heard you guys at lunch",Norah says.
"Well you shouldn't have you should be leaving now, bye", Miles says crossing his arms.
"Come on Ivy these idiots can't stop us from doing anything"
"Um are you sure about this?", I ask Norah with uncertainty.
"Yes I'm sure", Norah answers as she pull me inside the bookcase.
As we walk inside I can hear Miles and Corey not far behind whispering to each other. The tunnel were following is old and made of stone. It's hard to see anything while we're walking. After about 20 minutes we see light at the end of the tunnel. I guess Norah becomes excited by this and starts in a jog. I follow close behind her until we're there. Once we get to the end of the tunnel there's a big room filled with boxes.
"Do you thing this is where the school keeps its storage?", Norah asks.
"Most likely", I answer while browsing the boxes.
"Yeah, so you girls should go there's really nothing down hear" I can hear Corey say.
"No, I think we'll stay for a minute and explore down here", I reply without looking their direction.
"No, really we've looked through all these boxes and there's just books and you know um pencils", Miles says while looking at Corey.
"You know I love books I would love to look at what kinds they have", I reply and look at Corey.
"Yeah, I think Ivy and I will stay you two can go though", Norah says and smiles. Corey and Miles start whispering in a huddle while I open a box of books. So they weren't lying about the books. As I take out "Freshman History" I hear Nora gasp. I quickly look up and see her crouching about 10 feet away from me.
"Norah are you alright?", I ask panicked.
"Yes, but you have to see this Ivy", Norah says amazed.
Corey and Miles are there before I am and taking an old piece of paper. Out of her hands.
"Give it back Miles!", I can hear Norah shout. I finally reach the group and see the old piece of paper is a map?
"No, you know you should really mind your business!", I hear Miles yell.
"Woah what's going on here?", I ask and look at Norah.
"Miles just snatched a map out of my hands!", Norah yells frustrated.
I look at Miles and say,"give Norah the map she had it first!"
"Actually we had it first!", Miles says annoyed.
"Why don't you want her to have the map anyways?", I ask starring at Miles.
"That's none of your business we're leaving!", Corey says and turns to go out of the room we're in.
"Let's go too", Norah says while watching them leave. I walk behind her the whole way back to the school hallways.
Once we're back to the hallways Norah is still mad and already going to the exit when I finish closing the book case.
"What was that piece of paper anyways?", I ask uncertainly.
"I map with the date 1974", Norah answers.
"You mean the date that", I question but Norahs says the rest for me.
"Yep the date your grandpa went missing."

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