Chapter 3

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"It doesn't mean anything, right?",I ask Norah hoping she has the answer.

"Um... I don't know ",Norah answers looking at me with uncertainty.

"Lets just go to your house it's probably no big deal", I say while we walk out the door.

The whole walk to Norah's was quiet. I was thinking how strange the same date being on a old map in the exact school my grandpa went to. There are thousands of maps though I am 98% sure that the two things have nothing to do with each other. My grandpa was 32 when he vanished which meat he was well out of high school. I am definitely over thinking this and just need some food in my body. Once we arrive at Norah's it's 5 o'clock and her mother is still at work.

"Do you wanna just watch a movie or something", Norah asks finally breaking the silence.

"Sure", is all i can say sitting down. Norah puts in our favorite "The Notebook" and sits down beside me. We watch the movie for about 20 minutes before Norah pauses it and looks at me.

"What if we take the map and follow it?", Norah asks starring at me with anticipation.

"What?!", I ask starring at her like she just was ghost.

"You heard me the date thing is weird I know but still it's an adventure"

"You are crazy!"

"Maybe but whats the worse that could happen? Nothing could be there and we wasted our summer having fun with each other?", Norah says looking at me excited.

"How would we even get the map?", I ask giving in.

Norah smiles and says,"I have a plan for tomorrow."

"Which is?", I ask impatiently.

"We take it, I mean think about it where do high school kids keep their things?"

"their lockers!", I shout excitedly.

"Exactly, and I can pull up the locker codes during lunch.",Norah says smiling.

"And how exactly are you going to do that?", I ask.

"Your going to distract the Mrs.pope while I get on her computer", Norah answers like its the easiest thing in the world.

"No, definitely not I can't do that to her", I say while shaking my head.

"Come on its the only way were going to pull this off!", Norah pouts.

"You owe me big time for this Norah Olten!", I say while giggling.

Later on that night when Norah and I were up in her room I took my phone out to check my notifications and My ex-boyfriend's name appears.

"It's him again Norah", I say annoyed.

"Block him already!", She answers.

"No, that's mean I just won't answer."

Norah rolls her eyes and stares back down at her phone.

"Maybe I should", I say looking up at Norah.

"Ivy he cheated on you 3 time!",Norah says annoyed.

"Yeah your right I guess", I say while putting my phone away.

"Well i'm going to bed, goodnight Ivy", Norah says while getting into bed.

"Night Norah", I say while climbing the latter to the top bunk.

30 minutes later I hear my phone chime again. I look at the notification and see Chase's name again. I stare at it for 3 minutes before I hear Norah's snores. I open the messaging app and stare at what he said "Hey, I miss you." was all it said. Should I answer? I mean what's the harm in conversation right? Before I can stop myself I open the text and reply "Hi, I miss you too." He replies right away "Wyd?"

I stare at the text for a few second before responding "At Norah's wbu?".

He replies,"nothing much".

I don't know what to reply so I put my phone beside me and dose off.

The next morning I'm woken up by my alarm. When I look at my phone it's 7:30 a.m which means school is in 30 minutes. I jump off the top bunk to wake Norah but I find she's already up and walking in the room now.
"Hey, I was letting you sleep I was coming to wake you now", she said while going to pick her backpack up.
"Oh well I have to get ready now or we'll be late", I say frustrated.
"Chill out it's okay if we miss 10 minutes of class", Norah says looking at me.
"No, actually I have to help mr.lowol with organizing his papers!", I say while throwing on a pair of jeans and a shirt I'm pretty sure I wore 2 days ago.
"Okay I didn't realize you were helping teachers do THEIR jobs now!", Norah says and rolls her eyes.
"Well maybe I like to help people!", I yell.
"I'm helping you with this stupid map!", Norah yells back.
"Your the one that suggested we go after it!", I yell and grab my backpack.
"Okay let's just chill out. We need to work together to get this map and arguing won't solve any problems.", Norah says and looks up at me.
"Your right let's just get to school.", I say and we both leave the room.

Once at school I run to mr.lowol's class to help him.
"Your here!", mr.lowol says smiling.
"Yeah, I am what do you want me to do first?", I ask while smiling.
"Oh yes, can you please start throwing those papers over there away put only if they have no grade", he says and I start walking over to the corner he pointed at.
After the bell for break rings I jump up and wave mr. lowol goodbye. Once in the hall I can see Norah running at me knocking kids over as she goes.
"Hey, Ivy lets- go- to- the- desk- now", she says out of breath.
"Okay slow down", I say laughing.
We get to the desk in under 5 minutes and are opening the door.
"Hello, ladies", mrs.pope says with a radiant smile.
"Hey mrs.pope I was wondering if you could show Ivy here how to access her grades on her student page?", Norah asks.
"Oh yes, come over here Ivy!", mrs.pope instructs.
I follow close behind her and see her take me to a little room with files.
"I have to get your password here the school doesn't keep stuff like this online ever since that boy broke into our computers and messed it all up", mrs.pope explains.
So that means that the locker codes will probably be in this room not on the computer. I look around to see if I can spot something that might give me a clue as to where. I look at the row beside me and see on the top shelf printed "locker codes" now I just need to get into that. What could I do to distract her for a few minutes? Before I could find the answer I can hear mrs.Johnson the librarian call for mrs.pope's assistance.
"Oh you stay here I'll be right back", she tells me.
"Will do", I reply.
Once she's out of the room I look up at the codes. There in alphabetical order which will make thing easier. I look for Miles reckson first and find it immediately. I write the code on my hand with the nearest pin I can find. Once that's done I look for Corey telten which is much harder to find. I can hear mrs.pope hills coming closer. I start to panic and can feel my whole face turn bright red. Just before she gets to the door I find it and fold the paper in fours putting it in my pocket.
"I'm sorry dear I'll get right back to finding your code now", mrs.pope says and turns to the files.
"Oh never mind I'll just come back next school year and ask", I say and hurry out the room to find Norah sitting in the waiting chair looking upset.
"I couldn't find them Ivy I'm sorry", Norah says while standing up.
"Thats okay because I did", I answer pulling her out the door.

The Map That Holds The AnswerWhere stories live. Discover now