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     Celestia began to sweat, the magic she was holding off with her wings was almost unbearable. It felt like it was getting stronger and stronger by the second, it was basically fire. It burned as though she had been tossed into a fireplace. Daybreaker began to laugh as tears streamed down her face. They fell only to be eaten up by the magic's heat. Her wings were virtually closing in on her as the magic pushed them closer and closer together. Her wings ached with pain. One by one her feather's caught fire, the flame eating them away. The burning hurt so bad that she was beginning to lose consciousness. She screamed as the magic leached off the wing cartilage and began to pick at the skin at the base of her wings. Once the magic consumed enough wing to get to the rest of her body, it created a large sphere around her. Celestia was no match for the two evil alicorns' magic. The screaming ceased and the two evil counterparts landed, each had a malicious grin that had spread across their faces, Celestia's body fell to the non-existent ground.
Luna watched in horror as Daybreaker kicked the singed, burned body of her sister and scoffed.
"What a weakling, couldn't even hold off a dream." She snickered "What shall we do with her?" Nightmare Moon pointed at Luna.
"Oh, that's easy," she said and smirked "We let her suffer here. We have no use for her, we have you" She finished, Nightmare Moon smiled but before they could turn and leave, Luna lunged at her, her hooves hitting the soft skin of her counterpart.
Nightmare's helmet came off and Luna bit her neck. She bit through the flesh and Nightmare screamed in pain.
Daybreaker grabbed hold of Luna's wing with her teeth, Luna gave a meer growl, desperate not to acknowledge the pain. She pulled, trying to get her off and expecting it to be easy. Luna refused to let go, she was too filled with rage to let either of them live after killing the only real family she had left.
Annoyed, Daybreaker yanked on her wing. She ripped the cartilage and the bone from the wing socket and it tore the flesh connected to the wing all the way to her flank skin and her through cutie mark. Luna cried with pain and she let go.
Daybreaker threw Luna to the side, Luna's wing came off in the process. "You fool! You are only a meer part of us, we are in control now." Daybreaker narrowed her eyes. "And we have no need for thine presence, stay here with that pathetic excuse of a unicorn." Nightmare finished, then the two Nightmares turned, their hooves tapping on literal nothingness. Nightmare opened a large portal, Luna could see the castle on the other side. Nightmare had planned to escape through this. She was technically Princess of the night and she had the power to dream walk. "Wait... Please, wait..." Luna was struggling to breath as blood seeped through the gash on her side, her wing was off to the the side. It lay disconnected on the ground, she felt nauseous as she looked at the mass of bone and cartilage that used to be her wing. The crimson liquid drained from her wound and began to make a puddle on the invisible earth. "Celestia, if you're still in there... Please you have to come out! You can't..." More tears left her eyes and she sobbed between her words "You can't let them hold you prisoner like Nightma-" A blast of magic shot at the alicorn. She used as much strength as she dared to make a shield to protect herself. "Tia... PLEASE! YOU CAN'T LET ME DIE! YOU CAN'T LET ME DIE," She wailed and blocked another magic blast "L-LIKE YOU DID" For a moment she thought she saw sorrow in Daybreaker's firey eyes, trying to speak with her was a big mistake. Daybreaker shot another blast, then another, and another. Luna could barley keep herself from getting burned. She felt like she was getting weaker with every blast. She noticed the blood on the ground dissolving. Maybe if she could get Starlight to keep up a shield she could burn her wounds so she could try to regain some strength.
The white mare began to step closer as she continued to shoot the magic. "Starlight!" Starlight looked up, tears streaming down her face. She looked around almost confused. Had she really been so scared that she hadn't noticed anything? The first thing she saw was Luna, holding off the sisters then Celestia's dead corpse lying on the ground, burned to a barley recognisable black mass. "Starlight you must help me!" Luna called. Starlight could see the fear in the alicorn's eyes. She quickly jumped in front of her and created a shield of her own. "Do what you need to do Luna, I'll take care of this nightmare." She said
Luna used her magic and began to burn the wound closed. The burning was so intense but she had no other choice. How else could she stop the bleeding? Every second she burned was another second of agonising pain. She was almost half way done with her body when she saw Nightmare join in and blasted the shield as well. She could tell Starlight was struggling but she had no strength to help her. She tried to hurry up but she couldn't, it hurt too much. The magic that came from the two evil alicorns was slowly eating away at the shield.
Starlight didn't know what to do, she wanted to run. If she stayed she would turn into a scorched black statue, like a memorial of a courageous mare who once fought bravely in battle, but she just couldn't leave the last living ruler of Equestria to die. She stood her ground for as long as she could but it was useless. Her body ached as the magic ate away the bottom of the shield and began to burn at her hooves. Her fur began to turn black but she wouldn't move, she couldn't. She had to keep the princess safe but it was no use. The magic crawled up her skin and burned every fiber of fur it touched. The shield couldn't hold anymore and the magic finally destroyed it. It burned her like she knew it would. It was as if she was frozen in time, she was a black crisp that looked like she was still fighting just withought the hair or fur.
Luna had just finished burning her skin when she felt heat in front of her. She looked up as a hoof was placed under her chin and her snout was raised to face her sister's firey counterpart.
"You know Luna," she said "I always loved you, and we could have let you live." Looking into her eyes, Luna could see all the hate that filled them "But I'm afraid I don't give second chances." Luna cried silently, the fear was too much for her and she knew what was going to happen. Daybreaker leant down and kissed Luna's lips (Don't judge I'm doing this for my best friend) Luna didn't know how to feel. The only thing she knew was how she felt about that kiss. "I'm sorry Luna." She said and she snapped the indigo alicorn's neck. Nightmare opened the portal again, "Shall we, dear sister?" She asked in an almost sarcastic tone, and they stepped through the portal, leaving 2 dead princesses and 1 dead unicorn behind, never to be heard from again.

Look I wrote something, yay!

Lunestia_shipper is my editor! (I did the Lunestia ship for her and if you judge us I'll stab you)

Have a good day everyone! (Also, I take constructive criticism so feel free to comment it if you feel I should work on something!)

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