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Finn was dead.

The grounders had called for his head in order to make an alliance with the sky people. He was murdered before being burned with the rest of the people he killed at their village.

The truce was put into place and the leaders of both people were coming up with a plan to take down mount weather. Clarke knew that without an inside man they would never win. The plan was to send Bellamy and Lincoln, but West volunteered herself to go along. She was going to do whatever it took to have no more death.

"There are many eyes from here to the mountain." Lincoln said.

The group of three was nearing the Mountain and had begun to prepare. Bellamy was looking at a map of the fort while Lincoln carved into a large branch. West stood a few feet away from the two with her eyes set on the mountain. Her friends were in there.

"West." Lincoln caught her attention.

She turned to see Bellamy had the branch Lincoln had been working on set on his shoulders. Both of his hands were tied to it. Slowly, West moved towards the two men before holding out her hands. Lincoln tied them together, connecting the rope to the log.

After her hands her loosely tied together, the group began walking. Eventually they came upon a cave. Lincoln hesitated before walking in. West followed behind the two boys as she looked around for any surprise reaper.

Deep into the cave, Bellamy explained the plan. Lincoln nervously looked around before he spotted a light. His hands quickly reached to untie Bellamy.

"We can't do this," His voice shook. "We need to turn back now."

"We'll never get a better chance then this." West protested.

"I thought I could do this but I can't." He spat back.

West felt sympathy for him, but if he gave up now they'd surely be killed. Bellamy tried to talk some sense into the grounder as the reapers moved closer. Soon, Bellamy began attacking Lincoln. His hands had been freed from the branch, but Wests hands were still bound.

"Fight back. They'll think I'm trying to escape." West heard Bellamy whisper to Lincoln.

West understood what he was getting at and acted like she was trying to remove the ropes from her wrists. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a reaper walked towards them. Lincoln flipped Bellamy around and held a knife to his throat. Even though she knew Lincoln wouldn't kill him, the image made her stomach turn.

"These ones tried to wander off." Lincoln said to the reaper as he looked over his shoulder at West, whom had stopped messing with the ropes.

The reaper said something in the grounders language that West couldn't pick up. Lincoln pushed Bellamy to the log Behind the first reaper. He pulled West over there as well.

A reaper moved towards West and grabbed her arms. He tore off the rope before pushing her to the log. His rough hands wrapped her arms around the log before tying them back together.

Wests terrified eyes met Bellamys who was still in Lincoln's clutches. He nodded to her, letting her know she would be ok. She bit her lips before giving him a small nod back. Fabric was wrapped around her eyes, so she couldn't see what was happening after she was tied.

Hearing the ruffling of fabric and a few groans, she assumed Bellamy was being tied to the log as well. In a few moments she felt everyone begin moving. With her eyes closed West tried to carefully walk.

Eventually, the group stopped walking and West was united. Her blind fold wasn't taken off as she was pushed through more of the cave. Her knees burned when she was pushed onto the hard cave floor. Her blind fold was ripped off making her blink many times.

Flame ➸ John MurphyWhere stories live. Discover now