Chapter 3

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[Dae Ryeon's POV]

Fuck, I need to take a piss! Rushing through the crowd, I make it to the toilet. Taking myself out, I empty my bladder with a heavy sigh.

Flushing the urinal, I head to the sink and wash my hands. Looking into the mirror, I scrunch my nose since I've been trying to block out the stench of this smelly place.

Walking out of the toilet, I put my hands in my pockets and pull out the folded paper and my car keys while heading to my car and swinging my car keys around my middle finger.

Opening the doors, I spot Taylum from across the parking lot over the heads of the student, but why is he just standing there?

Making my way to my car, I stop and look at him. I smirk at his bobbing head, it looks like he's fighting with himself. His hair is really long though, but it suits him well.

Unlocking my car, I get in and sit down. Switching the car on, I roll the windows down slightly since it's hot in here and I need air. I'll wait for him to leave, then head out.

Unfolding the paper, I open the glove compartment and switch my phone on. When it switches on and refreshes, I unlock the screen and click on the contacts icon. Looking at Taylum's number, I type it in and save it.

Dialing the number, it goes straight to voice mail, well then, maybe he left it at home, I hope it's not the wrong number.

After twenty minutes pass, the parking lot is empty and he is still standing there. Ever since I held him in my arms, I feel like I want to hug him more.

Although it was just for a few seconds, I could feel my heart beating fast. The last time I felt like this was when I fell in love with the Admiral's son. I had to let go of my feelings since he had his girlfriend and there was no way he saw me in the same light I saw him.

Taking in a deep breath, I get out of the car and lock it behind me, while sliding my phone in my back pocket and jog over to him. Stopping in front of him, I lift up his face so he's looking at me and his eyes suddenly widen as he just stares up at me.

His eyes are a beautiful hazel colour. The sun behind us is shining in his eyes, making them appear gold and it's making my heart race uncontrollably. Under his right eye is a beauty mark that compliments his pretty face.

His nose is perfect and his thin lips are not that thin but slightly plump, suckable, ah fuck!

"Why are you just waiting here?" I ask him.

He swallows loudly while looking into my eyes with a slight struggle, "I – I wait for Tarryin."

Brushing his hair out of his face, I brush it until its behind his ear, "Who is Tarryin," I ask, hoping that he doesn't have a girlfriend.

"M-my twin," he answers back, making me hum. I let go of his chin and I can see the frown tug at his lips. Smiling down at him, I brush the rest of his hair that's hanging loosely over his face behind his right ear like I did to his left.

"Oh, so you have a twin sister, is she as pretty as you?" I ask him and instantly regret it because that wasn't meant to come out.

I watch him for a few seconds and see that he is fighting with himself internally. His eyes begin to water while his breathing picks up, "Taylum calm down," I say gently while rubbing his shoulders since he seems to be okay with me touching him.

He raises his head to look up at me and I'm slightly taken aback because I heard that he firstly freaks out and has a panic attack when you touch him and doesn't make eye contact

"Why you ask she pretty?" he asks me and I frown because I really don't give a fuck how she looks.

"Well, it was an indirect compliment towards you, I don't really care if she's pretty," I say, trying to fix my words. I honestly don't care and I can't believe that he doesn't understand my compliment.

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