Chapter 9

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*Five years later*

The lecture today was a bit too much for me, my headache is killing me.

After high school I joined A.C.E University and I'm studying accounting. I love numbers and all but everyday it's getting tougher.

Sighing as I walk through the barely filled hallway and make it to my car. It was tough at first but I managed to learn how to drive, thanks to my father's help in finding a specialist to teach me.

Climbing into my car, I close the door behind me and see that there is a strange envelope in the passenger seat.

Picking it up, I open it and my eyes immediately sting as I read the words on the page I pulled out, "How many years has it been since we last saw each other? Do you still love me? I've never stopped thinking about you because you've played a big part in helping me grow as a person and you will always have my heart. You were my first and I still hope that you will be my last. If you are willing to meet me, you can find me here #######"

I quickly read over the address and I see that it's not a place I am familiar with.

Typing it into the GPS, I switch on the engine and follow its directions.

About two hours later, I reach an apartment complex and take the elevator and anxiously wait for it to ding, I can't help it but cry.

Will it really be him?

I never once forgot about him, I love him too much. He was my first everything and I want to be with him again no matter what!

The doors dinged open and I quickly ran down the hallway looking for room number Z012.

Finding the room, I wipe my hands on my sweater since they are all sweaty. Taking in a deep breath, I raise my hand and start banging on the door.

"Yes, yes! I'm coming," a woman's voice calls from the other side making me frown.

She opens the door and stares at me for a good while before she scrunches her face and looks back into the room and says, "Ji Won, it's for you."

I raise a confused brow but soon, I widen my eyes in disbelief. Dae Ryeon walks towards me but he looks so different than before. He is suddenly taller, his build was bigger and his hair is so long.

As he walks up to the door, his eyes widen as he looks at me.

"Taylum?" He asks confused.

I nod my head quickly and push past the woman and rush into his arms. I shake my head in disbelief and hear that woman speak, "We'll I don't want to be the third wheel so I'll leave."

The door shuts behind me and my face is immediately grabbed, our lips are slammed together which make me tremble.

I tug at his waistband and pulled it down while he takes off my pants too. Dae Ryeon and I quickly undress and fall to the bed and start tossing and turning with me on top.

After a heated and passionate few hours, we finally stop and I can't let go of him. He ends up dragging me to the toilet with him and we both urinate.

Sitting back on the bed, I look at him and ask, "How have you been?"

Dae Ryeon blushes and scratches his nose, looking at me he says, "Lonely."

I nod in understanding, snaking my arms over his shoulders, I hug my arms around his neck and ask, "Will you leave me again?"

Dae Ryeon smiled and shook his head, looking at me from an awkward position he answered, "I put in a request asking if you and I could be together. They agreed to it as long as you are willing to be announced as dead and work for the organization doing paperwork."

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