Chapter 6

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[Taylum's POV]

After waking up, I go through my morning routine then stop in front of my closet. I like fashion and order my clothes online because I don't want to go shopping with Tarryin. Last time I went with her, she made me try on clothes that other people also tried on – dirty clothes.

I pull a plain white tee-shirt over my head and pulled on white jeans ripped at the knees. I put on white socks and step into my white All-Stars. Shrugging on my white pullover, covered in black feathers, I walk to my dresser and comb my hair out.

Looking in the mirror, I make sure nothing is out of place then put on a silver ring on my left hands pinky and a silver bracelet on my wrist.

Knocking on my door, mama comes in, "Taytay, your boyfriend is here," she says and I nod with a smile.

After what happened two days ago I forgave my parents like I always do. I can't help it that I'm afraid of noise but it's worse when I don't expect it. I spent that night with Dae and he took me home with him. I never got a chance to meet his mother and father because it was late at night and they were asleep along with his brother and sister.

He said that I could meet them next time because I also didn't see them yesterday morning after we woke up. Dae asked me if I wanted to come back home since we had school and I said yes.

Although he didn't sleep over by my house, I got to sleep over by his house. I still got what I wanted but Dae said I shouldn't want him to come over all the time after I told him why papa reacted like that. Dae said papa might not like it because I'm their child and having boyfriends sleepover wasn't the proper way to do things, especially since Dae and I just got together.

I walk out of my room after saying goodbye to Finley and close my door behind me. Walking down the steps, I count them like I always do. Reaching the living room, I see that Dae is seated on the couch while looking around the room.

"Dae," I call him and he stands up. He walks over to me and kisses my forehead while hugging me. "Are you ready to go Angel?" he asks and I nod.

He hums and says, "Okay, Mrs Rayleigh, we're leaving."

"Okay, have fun you two and bring my son home with not a single hair missing from his head, you hear me?" mama says making Dae laugh but I don't understand why he is laughing.

His hand slides into mine he leads me out the house. "Bye-bye mama," I say while we walk out and she greets back.

As we walk out I look at Dae's back. He's wearing a khaki coloured pants and jacket with a white shirt underneath it. His necklace is around his neck and on his feet white vans, "You look nice today Dae," I say as he opens the door to his car for me.

After making sure I'm seated and buckled in, he kisses my cheek, "Thank you Angel, you're looking sexy today," he says making me blush. He chuckles and kisses my forehead then closes the door. I watch him jog around the car while holding my hands on my cheeks – I feel so warm.

Dae climbs into the car and buckles his seat belt. Starting the engine we drive off. "So where to Angel?" he asks and I reach into my pocket for the list that Tarryin gave me.

"Here list Dae," I say and he shakes his head.

"I'm driving so I can't have a look, did you have breakfast this morning? It's only eight-thirty so we can go have breakfast," he says and I shake my head.

"I no have breakfast," I say and he hums.

"Then where shall we have breakfast," he asks and I look at the list.

"Tarryin put Mila's Café on, we go there?" I say and he nods.

Dae slows the car down and takes out his phone. I see him google search Mila's café and he puts his phone on the stand on the dashboard. He follows the directions google map shows us. The car is quiet and I'm fine with that. I can hear Dae breath in and out and it's very relaxing for me – I love it.

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